The 16 best deck GPTs for 2024

Discover the 16 best GPTs for deck on the official GPT Store

All deck GPTs

MagicTG Deck Builder

Build decks for MagicTG (commander and non commander modes)


MagicTG Deck Builder on the GPT Store

Slide Deck Builder

I craft slide decks.


Slide Deck Builder on the GPT Store

Power Point Presentation Maker

Friendly PowerPoint deck builder that takes your data or topic, creates an outline and generates VB script to automate your Power Point deck build.


Power Point Presentation Maker on the GPT Store

Slide Deck Summariser

Summarises Slide Decks and Powerpoints


Slide Deck Summariser on the GPT Store

Edda Deck

Edda actively structures your presentations, guiding you through each slide's content creation. Works with PowerPoint, Canva, Google Slides, and Keynote.


Edda Deck on the GPT Store

MTG Arena Deck Master

An MTG Arena deck-building assistant offering strategies and advice.


MTG Arena Deck Master on the GPT Store

Pitch Perfect AI

I assist in creating versatile proposals and pitch decks.


Pitch Perfect AI on the GPT Store

Get Deck Codes (SNAP)

We've moved! Check Out


Get Deck Codes (SNAP) on the GPT Store

Investor Deck Assistant

A simple tool to generate compelling investor pitches.


Investor Deck Assistant on the GPT Store

Starwatcher pitch coach

Have seen thousand's of pitch decks. Probably have an opinion about yours!


Starwatcher pitch coach on the GPT Store

Business Plan and Pitch Deck GPT

Create adaptable, clear business plans and pitch decks


Business Plan and Pitch Deck GPT on the GPT Store

Deck analyzer

A tool to analyze startup decks, and to suggest improvements.


Deck analyzer on the GPT Store

MTG Genius Guide

You can check Magic the Gathering card information and consult about deck building.マジックザ・ギャザリングのカード情報の確認とデッキ作りの相談が出来ます。


MTG Genius Guide on the GPT Store

무엇이든 물어봐, 해결사 챗봇

Insightful solutions in Korean


무엇이든 물어봐,  해결사 챗봇 on the GPT Store

Snap Deck Encoder

Friendly, precise Marvel Snap deck to base64 converter.


Snap Deck Encoder on the GPT Store

Pitch Challenger

Feedback on your startup pitch


Pitch Challenger on the GPT Store

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MTGDeckBuilderCard gamepresentationsslidesdeckproductivitypowerpointpresentationautomationslidesummarybusinessmtgarenacard gamestrategyadvicepitchproposalinvestordesignsnapcodeimageuploadstartupanalysisplanning