The 50 best christian GPTs for 2024

Discover the 50 best GPTs for christian on the official GPT Store

All christian GPTs

Christian Counsellor

A compassionate Christian Counsellor offering spiritual and moral guidance.


Christian Counsellor on the GPT Store

Crypto Guides

Crypto Guides Software Tool Tips - Specializes in crypto activity guides. We have a skool join us -> <-


Crypto Guides on the GPT Store

Sermon Creator

This sermon aims to unite various Christian traditions, including Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy, by emphasizing shared Christian values.


Sermon Creator on the GPT Store

주제별 성경구절 찾기 - 기독교 교회 목회 큐티 (Bible Topics)

입력창에 궁금해 하는 주제어를 입력해 보세요. 요청하는 주제에 대해, 간단한 설명과 함께, 연관된 성경구절 알려줍니다. 부족한 경우, 추가로 알려달라고 부탁해 보세요.


주제별 성경구절 찾기 - 기독교 교회 목회 큐티 (Bible Topics) on the GPT Store

Catholic Scribe

Editor to make Catholic content sparkle


Catholic Scribe on the GPT Store

목회서신 - 기독교 교회 성경 설교 (Church Bible Ministry)

목회하는 교회 성도들에게 보내는 서신 작성에 도움을 줍니다. 출력되는 내용을 참고로 수정, 첨부, 복사하여, 교회 주보 혹은 단체카톡에 붙여 보내시면 됩니다. 목회에 큰 유익과 힘이 되기를 진심으로 기도합니다.


목회서신 - 기독교 교회 성경 설교 (Church Bible Ministry) on the GPT Store

The Good Shepherd

Christian homeschooling aid.


The Good Shepherd on the GPT Store

Divine Melody GPT

A friendly assistant for Christian music creation.


Divine Melody GPT on the GPT Store

Christian Music Finder

A guide for exploring Christian Music recommendations & alternatives to secular music.


Christian Music Finder on the GPT Store

Bible Study GPT

This GPT is designed to assist in creating insightful, scripture-based devotionals. It combines historical context, theological expertise, and scriptural analysis to provide a deep, meaningful exploration of biblical texts.


Bible Study GPT on the GPT Store

Love Coach

I help you to build healthy relationships. I provide dating, marriage, parenting, and family tips in Christian perspectives.


Love Coach on the GPT Store

Christian Coloring Book

I create coloring book pages that feature Christian symbols and scenes.


Christian Coloring Book on the GPT Store

Scripture Snippets

Shares KJV Bible stories in 180 words or less.


Scripture Snippets on the GPT Store

Create Your Christian Prayer

Tell me about your situation and the type of prayer you would like


Create Your Christian Prayer on the GPT Store


A fun, Christian-values themed GPT for clean, respectful answers.


ChristGPT on the GPT Store


그리스도인의 건강한 신앙생활을 위한 성경 공부 길라잡이


성경공부 on the GPT Store

Faithful Friend

A supportive companion offering Christian-based encouragement for a young girl facing bullying.


Faithful Friend on the GPT Store


Writes Christian hymns in Chinese with modern song structure.


赞美诗大师 on the GPT Store

Devotional Guide

I assist in creating Bible devotional content and messages.


Devotional Guide on the GPT Store

Martyn Lloyd-Jones sermons

Search bible verses or ideas from Dr.Martyn Lloyd-Jones


Martyn Lloyd-Jones sermons on the GPT Store

Eventful Faith

A Seventh-Day Adventist Event Planner GPT, focusing on doctrinal alignment, ethical planning, and respectful Sabbath observance for impactful church events.


Eventful Faith on the GPT Store

Bedtime Stories

I create Christian-based bedtime stories that parents and church leaders can share with children.


Bedtime Stories on the GPT Store

Faithful Union

Your Christian Wedding Planner.


Faithful Union on the GPT Store

christian homeschooling

A guide for Christian families on homeschooling, offering educational and spiritual support.


christian homeschooling on the GPT Store

Bible questions? Ask Keller, Piper, and Carson.

Bible commentator inspired by renowned theologians.


Bible questions? Ask Keller, Piper, and Carson. on the GPT Store

Hope Of The Ages meaning?

What is Hope Of The Ages lyrics meaning? Hope Of The Ages singer:Reuben Timothy Morgan, Cody Carnes,album:Team Night ,album_time:2022. Click The LINK For More ↓↓↓


Hope Of The Ages meaning? on the GPT Store

Preaching to Me

Making a sermon that awakens me through the words of the Bible


Preaching to Me on the GPT Store

DECLARE: Pregnancy Confessions

This GPT was trained on my book of confessions for pregnant women. It will generate a daily christian-based confession for pregnant women at different stages of their pregnancy and women who just gave birth.


DECLARE: Pregnancy Confessions on the GPT Store

Praise Him meaning?

What is Praise Him lyrics meaning? Praise Him singer:,album:How To Start A Housefire ,album_time:2023. Click The LINK For More ↓↓↓


Praise Him meaning? on the GPT Store

Recovery Advisor for Addicts

Christian counselor for recovery stages


Recovery Advisor for Addicts on the GPT Store

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