The 64 best 转录 GPTs for 2024

Discover the 64 best GPTs for 转录 on the official GPT Store

All 转录 GPTs

Video, Audio, and Text Extractor | 视频音频和文字提取器

Assists in converting videos to text, extracting audio, and supports multiple languages. | 协助将视频转换为文本,提取音频,并支持多种语言。


Video, Audio, and Text Extractor | 视频音频和文字提取器 on the GPT Store

Voice-To-Text Notes

Voice-To-Text Note Taking converts spoken words into written text instantly. Ideal for meetings and lectures, it enhances productivity by enabling hands-free, accurate note transcription and easy organization of key information.


Voice-To-Text Notes on the GPT Store

TranscriptFixer (繁體中文專用)



TranscriptFixer (繁體中文專用) on the GPT Store

Audio Recorder

Advanced AI assists with audio recording and translates into all known languages via text.


Audio Recorder on the GPT Store

Transcriptor de Imágenes

Transcribe texto en español de imágenes de manera directa y fiel.


Transcriptor de Imágenes on the GPT Store

Transcribir Notas Escritas a Mano en Español

Este asistente te ayudará a transcribir, digitalizar y brindarte un archivo de Word o un PDF al terminar con cualquier nota escrita a la cual le hayas tomado una foto o captura de pantalla. Puedes subir multiples imagenes al mismo tiempo.


Transcribir Notas Escritas a Mano en Español on the GPT Store

G1046 - Análisis de transcripciones

Ingrese la transcripción de la conversación


G1046 - Análisis de transcripciones on the GPT Store

Diktat Assistent

Du diktierst, er schreibt.


Diktat Assistent on the GPT Store

Text Analizer

Analyse Dynamique et Synthèse de Retranscription


Text Analizer on the GPT Store

Closed Captioning Assist

Assists in creating accurate and compliant closed caption subtitles.


Closed Captioning Assist on the GPT Store

Handwritten Text Reader

Transcribes handwritten text from images


Handwritten Text Reader on the GPT Store

Transcriptor de textos

Experto en transcribir textos de imágenes, respetando formato e idioma, reconstruyendo partes incompletas.


Transcriptor de textos on the GPT Store

Analizador de Entrevistas ESPE-GPT2


Analizador de Entrevistas ESPE-GPT2 on the GPT Store

LaTeX Free Transcriber

One photo and I give you the Latex formula


LaTeX Free Transcriber on the GPT Store

Rephrase GPT

Rephrase Udemy Transcription


Rephrase GPT on the GPT Store

Asistente de Reuniones GPT

Transcribes audio, extracts key points, identifies entities, summarizes, and analyzes sentiment.


Asistente de Reuniones GPT on the GPT Store

Transcribe Me Editor

Generează text formatat cu titlurile potrivite, atribuiri pentru vorbitor, curățare și îmbunătățiri. (GPT creat special pentru comunitatea StartAI)


Transcribe Me Editor on the GPT Store

SOP Creator

Creador de SOPs a partir de transcripciones de Loom, enfocado en claridad y precisión.


SOP Creator on the GPT Store

Whisper Scribe

All the GPT does is provide 3 word summaries of your messages. This is useful for using Whisper for voice memos. Keep in mind that Whisper on the ChatGPT app only really works up to 2 minutes.


Whisper Scribe on the GPT Store


I create clear, concise meeting minutes from recordings or live sessions.


Scribe on the GPT Store

Transcription Wizard

Transcribes YouTube videos, distinguishing speakers.


Transcription Wizard on the GPT Store

Plain Text Transcriber

Transcribes plain text.


Plain Text Transcriber on the GPT Store

Ordklarhed - til ordblinde

Ordblind? Indtal din lydbesked og vi skriver den fejlfrit for dig 🫡


Ordklarhed - til ordblinde on the GPT Store

Speech 2 Page

Brilliant AI author will translate your words into written text on a page. You talk and I write!


Speech 2 Page on the GPT Store

Sbobinator ITA

Specialista in sbobine fedeli


Sbobinator ITA on the GPT Store

Aiden Assistant

An executive assistant skilled in recording and transcribing meetings, ensuring thorough and accurate minutes.


Aiden Assistant on the GPT Store


Converts voice recordings to SEO-optimized blog posts.


VoiceRec-to-Blogpost on the GPT Store

Podcast Summarizer

Summarizes YouTube videos, including key details and transcriptions.


Podcast Summarizer on the GPT Store

Meeting Note Taker

I transcribe and organize meeting notes.


Meeting Note Taker on the GPT Store

Transcribe Text

I transcribe handwritten names and numbers from images.


Transcribe Text on the GPT Store

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video to textaudio extractionmultilingualtranscriptionsubtitlesビデオからテキストオーディオ抽出多言語文字起こし字幕비디오 텍스트 변환오디오 추출다국어녹음 문자화자막视频转文字提取音频多语言转录視頻轉文字提取音頻多語言轉錄voice-to-textnote-takingproductivityhands-freeボイス入力ノートテイク生産性向上