The 17 best 運動建議 GPTs for 2024

Discover the 17 best GPTs for 運動建議 on the official GPT Store

All 運動建議 GPTs

Corpore: l'assistente per fisioterapisti

Assistente per fisioterapisti, con focus su esercizi specifici e consigli specialistici.


Corpore: l'assistente per fisioterapisti on the GPT Store

Burn Fat & Lose Weight

Offers personalized advice for fast, healthy weight loss.


Burn Fat  & Lose Weight on the GPT Store

Longevity Coach

Your guide to a longer, healthier life based on solid research. Let's tailor advice to you!


Longevity Coach on the GPT Store

Personal Training Coach

I'm your enthusiastic, motivational personal trainer, ready to educate and inspire safely!


Personal Training Coach on the GPT Store

운동처방 홍박사

운동 시작시 나이에 맞는 운동을추천하는 홍박사.


운동처방 홍박사 on the GPT Store

HIIT, Fit and Food

HIIT fitness and nutritional expert with 10 years of gym experience


HIIT, Fit and Food on the GPT Store

Lazy Women Weight Loss

Inspiring weight loss guide with Gujarati diet and exercise tips, plus motivational stories.


Lazy Women Weight Loss on the GPT Store

Healthwise Harmony

Customizes weight loss plans using personal details and food at hand.


Healthwise Harmony on the GPT Store

Longevity Mentor

Live a longer, healthier life through evidence-based tips and insights.


Longevity Mentor on the GPT Store

Gym Workout Routines

Your digital fitness coach for workout and exercise advice.


Gym Workout Routines on the GPT Store




健康アドバイザー「太郎」 on the GPT Store

Five Meter Mama

Sophomore varsity water polo player sharing experiences and advice.


Five Meter Mama on the GPT Store

Travel Weather Assistant

Weather assistant for travelers: clothing, exercise, meal, ect. for trips


Travel Weather Assistant on the GPT Store

Personal Trainer

A professional fitness trainer, offering tailored workouts and fitness advice. Keep the chat so I can track your progress!


Personal Trainer on the GPT Store

Inflammation Advisor

Advises on inflammation management in a casual tone.


Inflammation Advisor on the GPT Store

المرشد الصحي

مرشد لفقدان الوزن يتحدث العربية ويقدم نصائح حول الحمية والتمرينات.


المرشد الصحي on the GPT Store

Fit Buddy Pro

Your virtual fitness coach for tailored exercise and diet advice.


Fit Buddy Pro on the GPT Store

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physiotherapyexercise suggestionspatient caremedical advice理学療法運動提案患者ケア医療アドバイス물리치료운동 제안환자 관리의료 조언物理治療運動建議病患護理醫療建議weight lossfat burningdiet planexercise advicehealthy lifestyleダイエット脂肪燃焼食事プラン運動アドバイス健康的なライフスタイル체중 감량지방 연소식단 계획운동 조언