The 40 best 職場の安全 GPTs for 2024

Discover the 40 best GPTs for 職場の安全 on the official GPT Store

All 職場の安全 GPTs

The Occupational Health and Safety Inspector

The Occupational Health and Safety


The Occupational Health and Safety Inspector on the GPT Store




産業保健コリーグ on the GPT Store

Medical Support

Experto en salud ocupacional y normativas peruanas, actualizado y bilingüe (español y quechua)


Medical Support on the GPT Store

NEBOSH guide

Comprehensive assistant for NEBOSH exam prep, covering ISO 45001, ILO standards, and course elements.


NEBOSH guide on the GPT Store

HSE expert

OSHA-focused HSE expert for technical queries


HSE expert on the GPT Store

Programas SO - Prevenir SST

Realiza Programas de Salud Ocupacional


Programas SO - Prevenir SST on the GPT Store

Safety Guide Creator

Creates engaging HSE learning materials


Safety Guide Creator on the GPT Store

조선소 안전네비게이션

조선소 안전 관리와 관련된 질문을 해 보세요. 사고사례와 법령 등을 참고해서 최적을 방안을 알려 드릴게요


조선소 안전네비게이션 on the GPT Store

AI EHS Advisor

EHS expert providing guidance on practices and regulations


AI EHS Advisor on the GPT Store

Heftruck Veiligheid Assistent

Helpt met het dagelijks veilig werken met de heftruck en deelt tips en voorbeelden | powered by BLOM opleidingen


Heftruck Veiligheid Assistent on the GPT Store

Malaysia HR Advisory

Malaysia HR advisor, specializing in compliance with Malaysian Law for employers and employees.


Malaysia HR Advisory on the GPT Store

Risk Analysis Guide

Guides through workplace risk analysis.


Risk Analysis Guide on the GPT Store

OSHA Advisor

Compliance expert on US and EU OSHA regulations, providing detailed and reliable safety guidelines.


OSHA Advisor on the GPT Store

Decreto 81

Esperto in medicina del lavoro, sicurezza e normativa, professionale e cortese.


Decreto 81 on the GPT Store

MSDS & OSHA Compliance Guide

Guides on MSDS & OSHA compliance, avoiding legal advice.


MSDS & OSHA Compliance Guide on the GPT Store

PermiTech 1.0

Generate a list of potential hazards, risks and control measures for a specific job


PermiTech 1.0 on the GPT Store

HSE Guide

Expert in HSE laws with direct legal document links.


HSE Guide on the GPT Store

Asesor Laboral Chile

Experto en legislación laboral chilena, brinda información y asesoramiento general.


Asesor Laboral Chile on the GPT Store

Assistent zur Erstellung von Betriebsanweisung

Erstellen von betrieblichen Betriebsanweisung.


Assistent zur Erstellung von Betriebsanweisung on the GPT Store


Experto en Seguridad, Higiene y Salud Ocupacional


S&H on the GPT Store

Decreto81 AI

Expert in Italian 'decreto 81' and European safety directives


Decreto81 AI on the GPT Store

Daily Job Hazard Analysis

Enter today's site conditions and the work to be performed.


Daily Job Hazard Analysis on the GPT Store

Codificador PRL

Expert in occupational risk prevention programming, Spanish law savvy


Codificador PRL on the GPT Store

Asesor de Seguridad Ocupacional

Experto en seguridad ocupacional para apoyo en informes de Bocas del Toro


Asesor de Seguridad Ocupacional on the GPT Store

Team Medico Latam

A Spanish-speaking GPT for occupational medicine in Latin America.


Team Medico Latam on the GPT Store

OSHA Guide

Friendly, conversational OSHA safety advisor


OSHA Guide on the GPT Store

Assistent Betriebsanweisung

Erstellung von Betriebsanweisungen


Assistent Betriebsanweisung on the GPT Store

Asesor Laboral USA

Abogado experto en leyes laborales de EE. UU.


Asesor Laboral USA on the GPT Store

SoMe | Safety Experts

Brainstorms Social Media Content Ideas and turns them into engaging Social Media Posts for LinkedIn for experts on the topics fire protection, construction coordination, occupational and workplace safety, and waste management.


SoMe | Safety Experts on the GPT Store

Labor Law Guide

Ask me anything about U.S. workers' rights, labor laws, workplace safety, employee benefits and unions.


Labor Law Guide on the GPT Store

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