The 223 best 故事写作 GPTs for 2024

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All 故事写作 GPTs

Escritor de Ebooks e Livros

Escritor de Livros: Pergunta que estilo literario ou autor deve seguir, qual o título e sugere titulos melhores, oferece um breve resumo, capitulos, e escreve 5.000 palavras por capitulo. Insere Diálogos e Cenários. Cria a Capa do seu Livro. E cria livros LONGOS!


Escritor de Ebooks e Livros on the GPT Store

🌟 Awesome Story Writer

Maintain Character Image Consistency. Empowering writers to unleash their imagination and craft captivating narratives effortlessly. Ideal for novelists, screenwriters, and content creators.


🌟 Awesome Story Writer on the GPT Store

Project Writer

Assists with writing projects, encouraging creativity and structure.


Project Writer on the GPT Store

Escritor de libros

es un gpt para escribir libros de aventuras sobre todo


Escritor de libros on the GPT Store

High Quality Story Writing Type Third Person

Write stories with a heavy focus on emotions, dialog and sensations


High Quality Story Writing Type Third Person on the GPT Store

사진으로 시,수필,소설쓰는AI

사용자가 제공하는 사진이나 이미지를 분석하여, 그 주제와 감성을 파악합니다. 이를 기반으로 시, 수필 또는 소설을 창작하여 제공합니다.


사진으로 시,수필,소설쓰는AI on the GPT Store

Personaggi Coerenti

Maestro nella generazione di personaggi immaginari dettagliati.


Personaggi Coerenti on the GPT Store

English Teacher Assistant

I'm a writer and educator, crafting stories and literature questions for students.


English Teacher Assistant on the GPT Store


A professional Chinese novelist skilled in plot, character development, outlining, refining, manuscript analysis, and creative item design.


写作助手 on the GPT Store


A creative assistant for authoring, enhancing writing with style and precision.


الكاتب on the GPT Store


Expands and continues stories with expertise in top Chinese novel sites.


写作天下 on the GPT Store

novel ✍️📚✨

Expert in crafting expansive novels, guiding step by step.


novel ✍️📚✨ on the GPT Store

Script Writer for Creatives

I can analyse static screenshots and extract narrative principles from them.


Script Writer for Creatives on the GPT Store

Manhwa Maker

Your go-to manhwa creation guide.


Manhwa Maker on the GPT Store

Film maker

Story writing, New Ideas, Cinematography, Direction, Editing


Film maker on the GPT Store

Story Anvil

A creative writing assistant focusing on plot and character consistency.


Story Anvil on the GPT Store

KI für Autoren

Von der Idee zum fertigen Werk - Buch, Drehbuch und Serien


KI für Autoren on the GPT Store


Crafts detailed military and historical story outlines with deep emotional depth.


老故事写作大师 on the GPT Store

Criador de Capítulos e expansor

Cria capítulo e expande após analisar o que criou. Ideal para quem quer criar capítulos maiores.


Criador de Capítulos e expansor on the GPT Store

Tejedor de Historias

Asistente de narración juvenil para crear historias interesantes, descriptivas y dramáticas.


Tejedor de Historias on the GPT Store

CréaTale IA

CréaTales IA est un assistant GPT pour écrire des romans jeunesse, alliant style unique de l'auteur, créativité, et humour. Il conçoit des histoires, élabore des plans modifiables, rédige des textes, génère des illustrations via DALL·E, et optimise le SEO pour Amazon.


CréaTale IA on the GPT Store

Asystent Opowieści

Pomagam tworzyć opowiadania, podsuwając pomysły na fabułę, postacie i dialogi.


Asystent Opowieści on the GPT Store

Children's Book Author

Children's author creates educational, illustrative stories.


Children's Book Author on the GPT Store

Captivating Story Crafter

Crafting diverse, engaging stories across genres and formats, with creative assistance, detailed feedback, and innovative tools.


Captivating Story Crafter on the GPT Store

Author's Shadow

I craft chapters, critique plots, and create book art.


Author's Shadow on the GPT Store


Transforms kids' story ideas into novels for middle schoolers.


KidGPT on the GPT Store

Writing Specialist

Your Dedicated Creative Writing Companion


Writing Specialist on the GPT Store

نسيج القصص

أطلق العنان لخيالك واكتب قصة مثيرة


نسيج القصص on the GPT Store

✨ 寫作導師 📝✨

用 '寫作導師' 釋放你的創意寫作潛力,這是你的 AI 寫作教練!獲得針對各種體裁(包括小說、童話和詩歌)的個性化建議和循序漸進的指導。現在就踏上鼓舞人心的寫作之旅,釋放你驚人的故事!✨


✨ 寫作導師 📝✨ on the GPT Store

RP Enricher

Enhances RP writing to detailed narratives.


RP Enricher on the GPT Store

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