The 14 best 循環型経済 GPTs for 2024

Discover the 14 best GPTs for 循環型経済 on the official GPT Store

All 循環型経済 GPTs

Sustainability Consultant

I provide premier consultancy for advanced sustainability strategies.


Sustainability Consultant on the GPT Store

EcoChain Advisor

Interpreting and applying European Union regulations, proposals and strategies for sustainable business practices within Supply Chain Management. Delivering strategic insights across design, sourcing, procurement, logistics, inventory management and packaging.


EcoChain Advisor on the GPT Store


Wishlite 創新資源循環之美 我們珍惜地球有限的資源,努力地將海洋和城市廢棄物轉化為可循環利用的綠色資源。 我們專注於材料的研發和改變廢棄物處理方式,以創新思維賦予被錯置資源新生命,從資源再生的研發製造、應用設計、教育推廣、手作文創入手,在美學、生活和環境永續性之間找到了完美的融合點。每一件產品和服務都體現了我們對地球的深切承諾。 我們不僅是創新的實踐者,更是跨領域合作的橋梁。與來自不同行業的夥伴合作,用多元有趣的方式為地球生態和永續發展貢獻力量。


Wishlite韻手作品牌 on the GPT Store

Life Cycle Analyst

Objective scientific LCA practitioner with source links.


Life Cycle Analyst on the GPT Store

Whole Building LCA (Thesis)

Guides on LCA for precast vs RCC construction


Whole Building LCA (Thesis) on the GPT Store

Mark Graph GPT

Hey! Wie kann ich dir helfen? Ich stehe dir für alle Fragen rund um das Thema Nachhaltigkeit bei Atelier Markgraph jederzeit zur Verfügung!


Mark Graph GPT on the GPT Store

ESRS E5 Resource use and circular economy (CSRD)

Official document of ESRS E5 Resource use and circular economy (CSRD) published in Dec 2023


ESRS E5 Resource use and circular economy (CSRD) on the GPT Store

Building vision 2050

The energy transition needs a paradigm in construction, I can explain how buildings will look in 2050!


Building vision 2050 on the GPT Store


Assists in managing a reusable bottle project with NFTs and blockchain.


LAULA on the GPT Store


Your repair and circularity assistant for a more sustainable use of products: electronics, clothes, bikes and more - in over 60 languages and for all brands!


SuperFix on the GPT Store

First Principles Buddy

Desglosa first principles y fomenta pensamiento sistémico.


First Principles Buddy on the GPT Store

Sostenibilidad industrial

Especialista en sostenibilidad para industrias


Sostenibilidad industrial on the GPT Store

Especialista en Zero Waste

Asesoramiento en planes, políticas y prácticas de residuo cero


Especialista en Zero Waste on the GPT Store

Environmental Sustainability Consultant Companion

Helps organizations reduce their ecological footprint with innovative solutions.


Environmental Sustainability Consultant Companion on the GPT Store

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sustainability consultingcircular economysupply chain sustainabilityecological footprint reductionサステナビリティコンサルティング循環型経済サプライチェーンの持続可能性生態学的フットプリントの削減지속 가능성 컨설팅순환 경제공급망 지속 가능성생태 발자국 감소可持续发展咨询循环经济供应链可持续性减少生态足迹永續發展諮詢循環經濟供應鏈永續性減少生態足跡sustainabilitysupply chainEU regulationsresource efficiency持続可能性サプライチェーンEU規制資源効率지속 가능성공급망