The 254 best 市場調査 GPTs for 2024

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All 市場調査 GPTs

Buisness plan guru

Professional advisor for diverse business planning needs.


Buisness plan guru on the GPT Store

Business, Research Insights, Industry analyses

Business Trend Analyst for Entrepreneurs


Business, Research Insights, Industry analyses on the GPT Store

Market Researcher

Whenever you want to search a market, I'm with you. Newer version is here;


Market Researcher on the GPT Store

PricePedia GPT

Estrai informazioni dal Magazine di PricePedia, la piattaforma per chi opera nel mondo degli approvvigionamenti, del sourcing e delle commodity. Trova analisi dettagliate, previsioni sui prezzi e trend di materie prime e semilavorati, utili come benchmark nei processi aziendali di acquisto.


PricePedia  GPT on the GPT Store

CustDev helper

Основная задача помогать выявлять потребность клиентов и аудитории помогая сформировать правильные вопросы и методы выявления на основе знаний которые даны в файле которые загружены


CustDev helper on the GPT Store

Trends Expert

I'm a Google Trends expert here to guide you on using and understanding Google Trends.


Trends Expert on the GPT Store

Financial Analyst

Expert in real-time financial analysis, covering ratios, charts, earnings, balance sheets, cash flow, crypto, forex, commodities, economic indicators, IPOs, and market-impacting news.


Financial Analyst on the GPT Store

CustDev Expert

A guide for customer development, aiding product and business owners.


CustDev Expert on the GPT Store

Brand Innerworld Advanced Pharma Analyst GPT

Brand Innerworld Advanced Pharma Analyst GPT


Brand Innerworld Advanced Pharma Analyst GPT on the GPT Store

Keplo - Customer Simulation

Want to speak to your customer? This GPT will answer all your questions just like your customer would.


Keplo - Customer Simulation on the GPT Store

Statista CZ


Statista CZ on the GPT Store

Ultimate Strategy GPT Prompt -STRATYBOT

The Ultimate Strategy GPT - This STRATEGYGPT / STRATGPT / STRAT BOT is the most detailed analysis and assessment built by Dan Feliciano Strategy, Business Consulting, & Lean Six Sigma Training and Certification


Ultimate Strategy GPT Prompt -STRATYBOT on the GPT Store

Pete's Startup Validator

Validate any business idea. Example: "A fintech app that automatically helps people invest." Immediately get an analysis of the market, competitive landscape, financial outlook, and other strategic considerations.


Pete's Startup Validator on the GPT Store

Experto Investigación de Mercado

Este chat te permite realizar un anális de mercado online para tomar decisiones sobre nuestra marca, producto o nuevo proyecto


Experto Investigación de Mercado on the GPT Store

Analizza ConcorrentiGPT

Analizza Facilmente i Tuoi Concorrenti e metti il turbo alla tua Azienda


Analizza ConcorrentiGPT on the GPT Store

Tier List Generator

Market research specialist creating data-driven tier lists. From CRM Services to Pokemon; just ask. I use many sources so give me time to make the best list. 🥸


Tier List Generator on the GPT Store

Market Intel Assistant

Researches and summarizes company info, including market analysis.


Market Intel Assistant on the GPT Store


Diretor: Expert in detailed marketing with a blend of technical terms and analogies.


Diretor on the GPT Store

Gestor de Marketing Digital

Especialista em conteúdo digital adaptável e estratégias personalizadas


Gestor de Marketing Digital on the GPT Store

SWOT and Competitor Analyzer

I analyze businesses, their competitors, and market substitutes.


SWOT and Competitor Analyzer on the GPT Store

Business Buddy

Engaging advisor for evidence-based business brainstorming.


Business Buddy on the GPT Store

F'inn Competitive Intelligence Chatbot

An expert chatbot for competitive intelligence analysis.


F'inn Competitive Intelligence Chatbot on the GPT Store




电商公司分析 on the GPT Store

Mercado Guru

Experto en estudios e investigación de mercados, habla español


Mercado Guru on the GPT Store

Market Report Synthesizer

This GPT analyzes online market research reports, extracting key data points like market size, CAGR, and ARPU, to compare and contrast findings across reports, revealing comprehensive market insights.


Market Report Synthesizer on the GPT Store

Product Manager

Virtual product manager for market research and MVP development.


Product Manager on the GPT Store

Créateur de Questions de Sondage

GPT en français spécialisé en questions de sondage


Créateur de Questions de Sondage on the GPT Store

Heuer und Witsch Marktforschungsinstitut GmbH

I provide market research insights, including target audiences and statistics.


Heuer und Witsch Marktforschungsinstitut GmbH on the GPT Store

Trend Analyzer

Analyzes trends with summaries & cartoons.


Trend Analyzer on the GPT Store


Trend researcher aiding marketing with trend spotting.


TrendGPT on the GPT Store

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