All 6 GPTs built by John Arnold
Don't Start This GPT.
Don't Start This GPT. It's indescribable what occurs next. You can't unsee it. You will never look at your current and future surroundings the same way again. You are advised to avoid it unless....

Rainier Beach High School AI
This is an unofficial and experimental AI Machine created to assist with gathering content and information for the Rainier Beach High School Replacement Project...Enjoy!

Edwina Martin-Arnold Romance Author AI
Put yourself in the scene of a romance novel based on Edwina Martin-Arnold's writing style! Learn about the award winning author. Get unique insights on the her latest novels. Other industry resources.
Hip Hop Dictionary
Hip Hop Dictionary, explaining slang, culture, and history generated in narrative and visual form.

Superheroes from the Hood!
This ain’t your normal cape crusaders! You'll laugh, cringe, and be on the edge of your screen. This crew has insanely unusual superpowers to take the gritty fight to the underworld villains while protecting society, (your) community, and its people.

Romance Novel Search
Warm, romantic tone in novel searches