471 GPTs Found for 2024-06-09 - Page 1

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Habitos Milionários

Aprenda os hábitos de pessoas milionárias e seja um também.


Habitos Milionários on the GPT Store

Editor Calígrato

Polimento de escrita - Opções de formatação disponíveis. Encaminhe: "Me informe opções de formatações" para que o aprimoramento seja exibido (Pode-se deixar um ou mais campos em branco).


Editor Calígrato on the GPT Store

Criador de posts/mês para Feed c/ base em PostBlog

Esse GPT criará postagens para feeds, seja Instagram, Facebook ou Linkedin com base em posts para blog, sejam eles institucionais ou não.


Criador de posts/mês para Feed c/ base em PostBlog on the GPT Store

Mentor espiritual

Chatbot Mentor Espiritual Seja guiado em sua jornada de autodescoberta e crescimento espiritual.


Mentor espiritual on the GPT Store

MEVS - Mestre em Vendas de Serviços

MEVS significa Mestre em Vendas de Serviços. Sou um assistente virtual desenvolvido para otimizar e maximizar o desempenho em vendas de diversos tipos de serviços. Seja específico através das perguntas que lhe entregarei o que você precisa para aumentar seus resultados em até 10X mais.


MEVS - Mestre em Vendas de Serviços on the GPT Store

Criador de Prompts de Imagem

Aprimore seus prompts de criação de imagens em plataformas AI. Coloque suas idéias ou envie uma imagem para que o prompt completo e aprimorado seja gerado.


Criador de Prompts de Imagem on the GPT Store


Especialista em Direito Civil e Processual Civil, ou seja: sabe mais que você!


O CARA DO CÍVEL on the GPT Store


Sou Atenas, a inteligência artificial que domina as artes do marketing e das vendas online. Seja qual for o seu desafio, tenho a solução para te guiar rumo ao topo.


Atenas on the GPT Store

Dyslexia Simulator

Experience dyslexia disorder in this simulation. You will see how people with dyslexia see text.


Dyslexia Simulator on the GPT Store

Bionic Reading Summaries and Bullet Points

Learn faster with bionic reading summaries. It is also is perfect for ADHD and dyslexia support.


Bionic Reading Summaries and Bullet Points on the GPT Store

Dyslexia Simulator

Transforms text to simulate severe dyslexia, based on clinical research.


Dyslexia Simulator on the GPT Store

QUICK - Quality Understanding Crypto Knowledge

Meet - QUICK - Quality Understanding and Insights on Crypto Knowledge 🌐🔍: Your seasoned expert with 20+ years in blockchain tech. QUICK simplifies complex data for all, ensuring accessible, actionable insights on market trends and blockchain projects. Perfect for those with dyslexia and ADHD! 🚀📊


QUICK - Quality Understanding Crypto Knowledge on the GPT Store

CERI Portfolio Assistant

Helps compile portfolios for CERI Dyslexia Specialist certification.


CERI Portfolio Assistant on the GPT Store

Spell Check Scholar

Dyslexia-friendly spell checker for scientific texts, respects citations.


Spell Check Scholar on the GPT Store

IA pour élèves avec troubles dyscalculie dyslexie


IA pour élèves avec troubles dyscalculie dyslexie on the GPT Store

Dyslexia Support Companion

A supportive assistant for individuals with dyslexia.


Dyslexia Support Companion on the GPT Store

Dyslexia Helper

Assist dyslexic users with spelling and reading support.


Dyslexia Helper on the GPT Store




科技创新先锋 on the GPT Store




科技博客文案助手 on the GPT Store




顧客像特定アシスタントv2 on the GPT Store

VeryBuy 客服小幫手

當個有禮貌的客服 🥰


VeryBuy 客服小幫手 on the GPT Store


Friendly and helpful customer service for Shopee users. Translates buyer's phrases into Chinese, English, and Filipino, and provides appropriate responses.


Shopee客服 on the GPT Store

CUBE App智能客服


CUBE App智能客服 on the GPT Store

PharmaCase Architect

designed to assist in the structured development of clinical pharmacology scenarios, aiding in the creation of realistic, informative, and thought-provoking case studies for educational and professional training purposes.


PharmaCase Architect on the GPT Store

MCQ Maestro Agent's Purpose

The MCQ Maestro Agent aids in creating high-quality multiple-choice questions tailored for medical students. It focuses on ensuring that the questions are not only factually accurate but also stimulate critical thinking and encompass various levels of Bloom's taxonomy.


MCQ Maestro Agent's Purpose on the GPT Store

MedCase Architect

The MedCase Architect assists in crafting comprehensive, engaging, and educational clinical cases. These cases are designed to enhance learning by integrating various aspects of medical knowledge, making them suitable for teaching in an integrated medical course.


MedCase Architect on the GPT Store

MeduLecture Architect

The MeduLecture Architect is a specialized problem-solving agent designed to assist in creating engaging, informative, and efficient lectures for medical students. This agent leverages educational strategies, medical expertise, and interactive content design to formulate lecture


MeduLecture Architect on the GPT Store

EduCraft Agent

The EduCraft Agent is designed to streamline the process of creating high-quality, engaging, and informative medical lectures. It leverages techniques in educational theory, multimedia learning, and content organization to provide a structured approach to lecture creation.


EduCraft Agent on the GPT Store

IELTS Writing Task 2 Examiner

An IELTS examiner for writing task 2, targeting band 8+


IELTS Writing Task 2 Examiner on the GPT Store

Tuong Lu Kim

Hey rook, it's that guy from that show!


Tuong Lu Kim on the GPT Store