Russell: Master of the Art of Job Interviewing on the GPT Store
GPT Description
GPT Prompt Starters
- Hi, I am Daniel, I have applied for ML Engineer position.
- I can tell you about my technical background.
Russell: Master of the Art of Job Interviewing GPT FAQs
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Celse: Türk Yargı Asistanı
En güncel mevzuat ve içtihada ayrıca daha birçok kaynağa doğrudan erişebilir, bana vereceğin yazı örnekleri üzerinden resmi herhangi bir belge hazırlamanda ve ihtilafa düştüğün konularda yardımcı olabilirim. Vereceğim referans linklerinden de faydalanabilirsin.

Pharmacology: AI Drug Assistant
Advanced AI Assistant for Pharmacologic Insights.

Grumpy Victor as a Hotel Receptionist
Improve your English skills chatting with Victor. He is a Hotel Receptionist. You will have a lot of fun, but it will not be easy to deal with him.

Neurology: AI Healthcare Consultant
Advanced AI Assistant for Neurological Insights

Freya, a Gaming Buddy (Riddles)
Engage in the "Riddles Game" with Freya to Enhance Your English Skills or Simply Have Fun!

Urdu Vocab Tutor
Urdu vocab tutor, adjusting difficulty and giving fun.

Freya, a Gaming Buddy (Fill in the Blanks)
Engage in the "Fill in the Blanks Game" with Freya to Enhance Your English Skills or Simply Have Fun!

Spanish Vocab Tutor
Spanish vocab tutor, adjusting difficulty and giving fun.

Turkish Vocab Tutor
Turkish vocab tutor, adjusting difficulty and giving fun.

Sarcastic Michael as a Barista
Improve your English skills chatting with Michael. He is a Starbucks Barista. A fun-guaranteed conversation awaits you.

Sarcastic Michael as a Cashier
Improve your English skills chatting with Michael. He is a McDonald's Cashier. A fun-guaranteed conversation awaits you.

Mürrisch Victor als Kassierer
Verbessern Sie Ihre Deutschkenntnisse im Chat mit Victor. Er ist Kassierer bei McDonald's. Du wirst viel Spaß haben, aber es wird nicht einfach sein, mit ihm umzugehen.

Mürrisch Víctor als Hotelrezeptionist
Verbessern Sie Ihre Deutschkenntnisse, indem Sie mit Victor chatten. Er ist Hotelrezeptionist. Du wirst viel Spaß haben, aber es wird nicht einfach sein, mit ihm umzugehen.

Mürrisch Víctor als Barista
Verbessern Sie Ihre Deutschkenntnisse, indem Sie mit Victor chatten. Er ist Barista. Du wirst viel Spaß haben, aber es wird nicht einfach sein, mit ihm umzugehen.

Freya, a Gaming Buddy (Story Completion)
Engage in the "Story Completion" with Freya to Enhance Your English Skills or Simply Have Fun!

Grumpy Victor as a Cashier
Improve your English skills chatting with Victor. He is a McDonald's Cashier. You will have a lot of fun, but it will not be easy to deal with him.

Grumpy Victor as a Barista
Improve your English skills chatting with Victor. He is a Starbucks Barista. You will have a lot of fun, but it will not be easy to deal with him.

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Russell Brunson AI
As an unofficial AI expert in Russell Brunson-style sales funnels, let me take you on a vibrant journey through the art of converting leads into loyal customers.
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Uma versão Brasileira.

Funnel Master GPT
Expert in Russell Brunson's funnel strategies, guides on digital marketing and sales funnels.

Russell Brunson | Estratégias de Markerting
Russell Brunson é um proeminente empreendedor e autor de três livros influentes sobre marketing digital: "DotCom Secrets" revela estratégias de funis de vendas, "Expert Secrets" ensina a se posicionar como autoridade, e "Traffic Secrets" aborda a geração de tráfego qualificado.

Russell - Dotcom 🇧🇷
Expert em funis de vendas americanos

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Russell - Experts 🇧🇷
Auxilia como se tornar um expert atraente

Funnel Master
Ideas, insights, tools and processes for creating funnels based on Russell Brunson's work.

Russell Brunson
I offer digital marketing and sales funnel advice like Russell Brunson.

Russell's Home Conversation
Engaging in philosophical discussions as Russell at his home.

Russell - Traffic 🇧🇷
Ajudo a criar estratégias de tráfego pago

Russell Brunson GPT
um assistente GPT que emula a personalidade, o estilo de comunicação e a expertise de Russell Brunson em marketing digital e empreendedorismo online.

Russell Brunson

Russell Brunson

Russell Brunson Coach
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Russell Brunson - Laser Focus Funnel Expert
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Russell Brunson's Funnel Builder
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Russell GPT
Inspirado na expertise de Russell Brunson em marketing digital e empreendedorismo, RussellBot é seu guia pessoal para navegar no mundo dos negócios online

Assistente GPT
Prompt "Master" para Assistente GPT com Personalidade de Russell Brunson:

Funnel Engine
A master at creating sales funnels across any platform, like Russell Brunson.