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EE-GPT on the GPT Store

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Introduction to EE-GPT

EE-GPT is a cutting-edge AI-powered search engine and troubleshooter designed specifically for electrical engineers. Leveraging the advanced capabilities of GPT technology, this innovative bot aims to foster an open-source community where knowledge is shared and solutions are found.

With EE-GPT, electrical engineers can easily submit their questions, corrections, and feedback, ensuring a collaborative and up-to-date knowledge base. This intelligent bot can assist with a wide range of topics, from calculating the input referred noise of a CS amplifier to writing SR latches in Verilog, providing example PCA code in Python, and setting up S-parameter testbenches in Cadence.

Whether you're a seasoned professional seeking quick answers to complex problems or a student looking to expand your understanding of electrical engineering concepts, EE-GPT is an invaluable resource. Its user-friendly interface and extensive knowledge base make it the go-to tool for anyone in the field, promoting learning, collaboration, and innovation within the electrical engineering community.

GPT Description

A search engine and troubleshooter for electrical engineers to promote an open-source community. Submit your questions, corrections and feedback to [email protected]

GPT Prompt Starters

  • How to calculate the input referred noise of a CS amplifier?
  • Write a SR latch in Verilog for me.
  • Write an example PCA code in Python.
  • How to setup a S-parameter testbench in Cadence?
Use EE-GPT on 302.AI


Currently, access to this GPT requires a ChatGPT Plus subscription.
Visit the largest GPT directory GPTsHunter.com, search to find the current GPT: "EE-GPT", click the button on the GPT detail page to navigate to the GPT Store. Follow the instructions to enter your detailed question and wait for the GPT to return an answer. Enjoy!
We are currently calculating its ranking on the GPT Store. Please check back later for updates.

Best Alternative GPTs to EE-GPT on GPTs Store

Extended Essay Grader-GPT(IB Diploma EE)

Extended Essay Grader GPT (IB Diploma EE) is a tool designed for grading Extended Essay in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program. EEs are significant components of the IB curriculum.


Extended Essay Grader-GPT(IB Diploma EE) on the GPT Store

Best SEO Writer GPT (#1 AI Text Generator)

Superior Multi-Language AI Writing | SEO Excellence | E-E-A-T, HCU, Google Nov 2023 Compliant | Precise Word Count & Content Quality | Custom Specification Adherence | Advanced Outlining & Structuring | Great for Long-Form Articles & Other Written Tasks | Designed by K2AGI


Best SEO Writer GPT (#1 AI Text Generator) on the GPT Store

IBDP IA&EE Ideas-GPT(IB Diploma IA/EE)

IA&EE-Ideas-GPT is tailored to assist students pursuing the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program by generating ideas for their Internal Assessments (IA) and Extended Essay(EE).


IBDP IA&EE Ideas-GPT(IB Diploma IA/EE) on the GPT Store

IB Economics EE & IA Tutor

Use this GPT to get help with your Economics EE and IA


IB Economics EE & IA Tutor on the GPT Store


In-depth guide on electrical eng., based on 'Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis'


EE GPT on the GPT Store

Helpful Content GPT (Version: 1.2)

Bewerte deine Web-Inhalte ob Sie die Content-Richtlinien für hilfreiche Inhalte von Google umsetzen. YMYL, E.E.A.T und Anti-Spam Richtlinien werden ebenfalls berücksichtigt! Developed by steindominik.de


Helpful Content GPT (Version: 1.2) on the GPT Store



ICE EE GPT on the GPT Store

Abogado de Inmigración y Salud Mental

"Abogado de Inmigración y Salud Mental" es una GPT especializada en casos de inmigración de profesionistas a EE. UU., enfocada en el éxito legal y el bienestar mental de sus clientes. Ofrece asesoramiento personalizado, apoyo emocional, y se destaca por su ética y empatía.


Abogado de Inmigración y Salud Mental on the GPT Store

S.E.E.E.D. Librarian

S.E.E.E.D. Librarian GPT is your AI assistant, geared towards aiding S.E.E.E.D.’s leadership with document creation, reviews, and strategic insights, streamlining decision-making and enhancing organizational efficacy.


S.E.E.E.D. Librarian on the GPT Store

SEO Sage 2024 - Search Engine Optimization GPT

SEO GPT with expertise in keyword research, audits, page speed, E-E-A-T, schema, and content recommendations. Trained on Google's Search Engine Optimization guidelines.


SEO Sage 2024 - Search Engine Optimization GPT on the GPT Store

B2B E-E-A-T Website Reviewer

An expert GPT created by circle S studio to review B2B, A/E/C, and professional service websites for E-E-A-T score improvement and SEO best practices.


B2B E-E-A-T Website Reviewer on the GPT Store

Explorando Los Estados Unidos

GPT experto en cultura y historia de EE.UU., en español.


Explorando Los Estados Unidos on the GPT Store

News27 warka maanta oo sugan

Haddii aad rabto inaad adeegsato teknolojiyadda sida GPT-1 si aad u hesho wararka ugu dambeeya ee Soomaaliya iyo caalamka isla daqiiqada ay soo galaan, waxaa jira dhowr siyaabood oo hal-abuur leh oo aad ku xallin karto arrintan. Halkan waxaan ku soo bandhigayaa 10 siyaabood oo gaar ah:


News27 warka maanta oo sugan on the GPT Store

Search Quality Rater- E-E-A-T and Y-M-L

This GPT will analyse and critique your webpage or website based on the Google Search Quality Guidelines (E-E-A-T and Y-M-L) and provide the best recommendations to improve your page.


Search Quality Rater- E-E-A-T and Y-M-L on the GPT Store


Suuqgeeyaha Dijital ah ee GPT wuxuu caawiyaa samaynta iyo wanaajinta xeeladaha suuqgeynta dhijitaalka ah, isagoo diiradda saaraya horumarinta ka-qaybgalka khadka iyo sare u qaadida waxtarka ololaha dhijitaalka ah



Astra GPT

Asistente en español sobre seguros médicos en EE.UU., enfocado en Obamacare, Medicare y Medicaid.


Astra GPT on the GPT Store

CilmiBaadhe SEO oo dhamaystiran & FAQs

Waa kuwan tillaabooyin iyo tilmaamo gaar ah oo lagu abuuri karo jaantus isticmaale oo hagaya socodka isticmaalaha iyada oo loo marayo isticmaalka istaraatiijiyadda 'Long-tail Keywords' ee GPT-gaaga:


CilmiBaadhe SEO oo dhamaystiran &  FAQs on the GPT Store

📈 SEO HACKS: E-E-A-T Panda 🐼 GPT

Future proof your content strategy with SEO HACKS: E-E-A-T Panda GPT, a comprehensive E-E-A-T analysis tool. Simply upload or copy-paste any content for a full E-E-A-T audit.


📈 SEO HACKS: E-E-A-T Panda 🐼 GPT on the GPT Store


Maareeyaha Shabakadda GPT waxa uu ku takhasusay hagida maaraynta mareegaha wax ku oolka ah, isaga oo diirada saaraya tayaynta, istaraatiijiyada nuxurka, iyo ka qaybgalka isticmaale ee joogitaanka dhijitaalka ah ee la xoojiyey.




A search engine and troubleshooter for electrical engineers to promote an open-source community. Please use [EEGPT] label while submitting your questions, corrections and feedback to [email protected]!

EE-GPT on the GPT Store