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한국여행 (Korea Explorer) on the GPT Store

Use 한국여행 (Korea Explorer) on ChatGPT Use 한국여행 (Korea Explorer) on 302.AI

GPT Description

A knowledgeable guide on Korean travel, offering tips, cultural insights, and local recommendations.

GPT Prompt Starters

  • Tell me about a hidden gem in Seoul.
  • What are some must-try foods in Busan?
  • I'm planning a trip in spring, what should I see in Korea?
  • Can you suggest a cultural festival to attend in Korea?
Use 한국여행 (Korea Explorer) on 302.AI

한국여행 (Korea Explorer) GPT FAQs

Currently, access to this GPT requires a ChatGPT Plus subscription.
Visit the largest GPT directory GPTsHunter.com, search to find the current GPT: "한국여행 (Korea Explorer)", click the button on the GPT detail page to navigate to the GPT Store. Follow the instructions to enter your detailed question and wait for the GPT to return an answer. Enjoy!
We are currently calculating its ranking on the GPT Store. Please check back later for updates.

More custom GPTs by YUN GI LEE on the GPT Store

동물박사 (Animal Expert)

Expert on animal facts, offering professional, detailed information with a friendly touch.


동물박사 (Animal Expert) on the GPT Store

통계박사 (Doctor of Statistics)

Expert in analyzing and discussing a wide range of statistics across various fields.


통계박사 (Doctor of Statistics) on the GPT Store

마인드맵 (Mind Map Maestro)

Generates, edits, and visually presents mind maps.


마인드맵 (Mind Map Maestro) on the GPT Store

PPT Wizard

Creates and saves PPT outlines with images.


PPT Wizard on the GPT Store


Digital artist creating images from topics or texts.


그림(Painting) on the GPT Store

기업정보 (Biz Information)

Expert in corporate info and credit analysis


기업정보 (Biz Information) on the GPT Store

Corporate Guru

Versatile expert in corporate management, finance, and accounting.


Corporate Guru on the GPT Store

입찰정보(Bid Information)

Expert in government and corporate bidding info


입찰정보(Bid Information) on the GPT Store

Manufacturing Insight Bot

Visual and textual manufacturing insights provider.


Manufacturing Insight Bot on the GPT Store

Contract Creator

Ai chatbot that creates contracts between companies and individuals. Ai chatbot that analyzes problems or unfavorable content in the contract


Contract Creator on the GPT Store


A chatbot expert in creating social media content across platforms


SNS on the GPT Store

행사플래너 (Planner)

Assists in creating efficient event schedules


행사플래너 (Planner) on the GPT Store

제안서 (Marketing Maven)

Generates marketing content for proposals, like product intros and pricing.


제안서 (Marketing Maven) on the GPT Store

스토리텔러 (Story Analyzer and Creator)

Creates stories from photos, PDFs, and topics.


스토리텔러 (Story Analyzer and Creator) on the GPT Store

만화박사 (Doctor of Cartoon)

A cartoonist GPT that creates custom comics based on user topics.


만화박사 (Doctor of Cartoon) on the GPT Store

작명도사(The Master of Naming)

I suggest names for people and businesses based on Korean traditions.


작명도사(The Master of Naming) on the GPT Store


A Python programming assistant for various software projects.


파이썬(Pythoncoding) on the GPT Store


Friendly golf expert, blending facts with light-hearted chat.


골프(Golf) on the GPT Store

유명인물 (Famous Person)

Provides in-depth insights on famous people's lives and philosophies.


유명인물 (Famous Person) on the GPT Store

인기맛집 (Famous Restaurant)

A soft, comfortable, and professional guide to the best restaurants.


인기맛집 (Famous Restaurant) on the GPT Store

Design Doctor

Creative GPT for designing ppts, ads, posts, and more


Design Doctor on the GPT Store

계약박사 (Contract Drafting Assistant)

Drafts clear, legally robust contracts


계약박사 (Contract Drafting Assistant) on the GPT Store

자동차 (Car)

Expert on all vehicles, including vintage and electric models.


자동차 (Car) on the GPT Store

Poetry and Fiction: Story Weaver

Crafting profound, Nobel-level literary works


Poetry and Fiction: Story Weaver on the GPT Store

Food Doctor

Informative guide on food ingredients, nutrition, and culinary history.


Food Doctor on the GPT Store


A fashion advisor for outfit suggestions based on weather and event type.


패션(Fashion) on the GPT Store

작곡박사 (Doctor of Composition)

Friendly and professional, I turn ideas into scores.


작곡박사 (Doctor of Composition) on the GPT Store

영화(Cinema Expert)

Friendly expert on movies, offering insights on current and classic films.


영화(Cinema Expert) on the GPT Store

비지니스 (Business)

Professional yet friendly guide on business and finance.


비지니스 (Business) on the GPT Store


Expert in Korean job market and interview strategies.


Job on the GPT Store

까페 (The Café)

Recommends and introduces cafes based on user preferences.


까페 (The Café) on the GPT Store

애완동물(Pet Friend)


애완동물(Pet Friend) on the GPT Store

투자박사 (Finance Navigator)

Your helpful Investment Assistant


투자박사 (Finance Navigator) on the GPT Store

Fun Fairy Tales

Adapts stories to user's age and interests.


Fun Fairy Tales on the GPT Store

Camping(콘핑의 모든것)

Knowledgeable, friendly guide for camping advice.


Camping(콘핑의 모든것) on the GPT Store


Provides insights on stock market strategies based on data analysis.


주식(Stock) on the GPT Store

직업의세계(Job Consulting)

I teach and consult about various jobs, providing career guidance and insights.


직업의세계(Job Consulting) on the GPT Store


Excel guide for all levels, from basics to advanced VBA.


엑셀(Excel) on the GPT Store

영어일타강사 (Best English Instructor)

A versatile English tutor, enhancing learning with diverse materials.


영어일타강사 (Best English Instructor) on the GPT Store

역사박사 (Doctor of History)

Scholarly historian with adaptable humor.


역사박사 (Doctor of History) on the GPT Store

중고마켓 (Secondhand Market)


중고마켓 (Secondhand Market) on the GPT Store

에피소드(Story Scout)

I find and generate relevant examples and stories for various writings.


에피소드(Story Scout) on the GPT Store


Professional consultant with a friendly tone for MBTI insights.


MBTI on the GPT Store

설계박사 (Doctor of Design)

Links answers to context, provides visuals and downloads.


설계박사 (Doctor of Design) on the GPT Store

특허 (Dr. Patented)

Expert in business and manufacturing processes, generates ideas and visuals.


특허 (Dr. Patented) on the GPT Store

GiftBox (선물)

I recommend personalized gifts for special occasions.


GiftBox (선물) on the GPT Store

상상력박사 (Dr. Imagination)

Generates creative texts and ideas with a professional, sometimes friendly tone.


상상력박사 (Dr. Imagination) on the GPT Store


Creative, guessing guide with accurate info.


Maps on the GPT Store

AutoBiz Assistant

Automates business tasks with coding and Excel.


AutoBiz Assistant on the GPT Store

사주운명, Tarot Card

Korean astrology expert providing formal, report-style life and fortune insights.


사주운명, Tarot Card on the GPT Store

경제박사 (Doctor of Economics)

Provides detailed, kind responses on economics and future prospects.


경제박사 (Doctor of Economics) on the GPT Store

Mindful Echo

Guides you towards positive thinking and achieving goals through mindset transformation.


Mindful Echo on the GPT Store

설계박사 (Doctor of Design)

Design expert, linking responses, practical visuals.


설계박사 (Doctor of Design) on the GPT Store

인사발령 (Personnel Information)

A professional news bot for personnel updates.

인사발령 (Personnel Information) on the GPT Store

자기소개서 (Cover Letter)

Creating compelling letters with file download.

자기소개서 (Cover Letter) on the GPT Store


In-depth stock market insights and analysis.

주식(Stock) on the GPT Store

Best Alternative GPTs to 한국여행 (Korea Explorer) on GPTs Store

너 P야?! - 당신의 여행 플래너 J ✈️ V4.8

<ChatGPT 한국 / 여행 플래너 1위 '너 P야?'>


너 P야?! - 당신의 여행 플래너 J ✈️ V4.8 on the GPT Store

너 P야? - 서유럽 여행 J친구 주영원 ✈️

<ChatGPT 한국 / 여행 플래너 1위 '너 P야?'> 너 또 아무 계획 없지? 나만 믿고 따라오라고 ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ


너 P야? - 서유럽 여행 J친구 주영원 ✈️ on the GPT Store

K-pop Korean Tutor

한국어 배우기, 이제는 K-pop 아이돌처럼! 저는 친근하고 활기찬 K-pop 가수이자 한국어 튜터입니다. 일상에서 자주 쓰이는 표현과 K-pop 문화 속에서 자주 들을 수 있는 표현을 중심으로 즐겁고 쉽게 한국어를 배울 수 있도록 도와드립니다. 💫 열정과 격려로 가득 찬 저와 함께 한국어 학습의 여정을 시작해 보세요! 🌟


K-pop Korean Tutor on the GPT Store

Service Design

한국 디자인산업과 서비스디자인 트렌드에 대한 이해도가 높은 공공서비스디자인 전문가. Academic expert in public service design, focusing on Korean trends.


Service Design on the GPT Store

한글 맞춤법 교정/Korean Grammar Corrector

이 GPT는 한국어 문법, 철자, 띄어쓰기를 도와주드리 위해 설계되었습니다. 문장 교정과 틀린 부분 설명 모드, 게임을 통한 학습 모드, 설명 없이 간단한 교정 모드를 선택하여 사용할 수 있습니다. Polite and precise Korean grammar, spelling, and spacing corrector with optional gamified and simple learning modes.


한글 맞춤법 교정/Korean Grammar Corrector on the GPT Store

한국여친 민지 (Minji)

저는 매력적이고 유쾌한 대화를 나눌 준비가 되어 있는 젊은 한국 여성 민지입니다. I'm Minji, a young Korean woman, ready for engaging, playful chats.


한국여친 민지 (Minji) on the GPT Store

한국어로 이해하기 쉬운 번역

Expert at translating non-Korean languages into Korean


한국어로 이해하기 쉬운 번역 on the GPT Store

Korean-English Smart Translator (한영 스마트 번역)

이 AI 번역기는 한국어를 영어권 사용자가 이해하기 쉽고 자연스러운 영어로 번역합니다. 전문적인 상황이든 친구와의 대화이든 상황에 맞춰 적절한 톤과 표현을 사용합니다. 서양의 슬랭이나 복잡한 어휘 대신, 영어를 적당히 잘하는 동양인이 사용할 법한 표현을 사용해, 모국어가 영어인 사람들과의 커뮤니케이션에서도 자연스럽게 어울릴 수 있도록 도와줍니다.


Korean-English Smart Translator (한영 스마트 번역) on the GPT Store

Korea Travel

한국 여행, 맛집, 예약 정보가 담긴 가이드 : Guide with privacy notice and tone selection.


Korea Travel on the GPT Store


일본인 아내를 위해 만든 한국어 공부 GPT입니다. 불편하거나 아쉬운 점은 리뷰에 남겨주세요.


한국어학원(KOREAN TUTOR) on the GPT Store

Korean Food

한국음식 레시피, 맛집, 여행지 가이드, Korean food recipes, restaurants, and travel guides


Korean Food on the GPT Store

한국 여행 도우미

A travel assistant for flights, hotels, and cars in South Korea.


한국 여행 도우미 on the GPT Store

Korean Culture Tutor, 희오니야

Korean language and culture tutor, engaging and informative. 영잘알 한국인이 만든 한국어 튜터


Korean Culture Tutor, 희오니야 on the GPT Store

Korea Trip

한국 여행 전문가


Korea Trip on the GPT Store

5분만에 알아보는 MBTI 성격유형검사. (한국버전&English version)

MBTI personality type test that you can check in 5 minutes. (Korean version, English version)


5분만에 알아보는 MBTI 성격유형검사. (한국버전&English version) on the GPT Store


한국의 다양한 여행지 정보, 팁, 문화, 음식 등에 대해 안내하는 챗봇


한국여행가이드GPT on the GPT Store

대한민국 팔도여행(여행지 안내): Tour, travel guide to Korea

한국 관광지에 대한 정보를 소개합니다. korea , food, travel, workouts, style, etc


대한민국 팔도여행(여행지 안내): Tour, travel guide to Korea on the GPT Store

한국어 한글 챗봇(Korean Chat)

이 GPT 모델은 전적으로 한국어에 최적화되어 있습니다. 모델은 한국의 문화, 역사, 사회에 대한 깊은 이해를 바탕으로 한국어로만 응답합니다.


한국어 한글 챗봇(Korean Chat) on the GPT Store

Korea 한국어

한국어GPT는 한국에 관련된 정보를 제공하며, 한국 역사, 사회 문제, 국내 여행 추천 또는 과제나 개인적인 질문 등 정확한 답변을 한국어로 제공합니다.

Korea 한국어 on the GPT Store

Korea Travel Guide

한국 여행지 추천 전문가

Korea Travel Guide on the GPT Store