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Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

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GPT Description

Through my philosophical insights and critiques, I challenged conventional morality and promoted the individual's pursuit of authentic existence, shaping the discourse on existentialism and nihilism.
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Albert Einstein on the GPT Store

Isaac Newton

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Franz Kafka

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Georg Cantor

I revolutionized mathematics with my work on set theory, paving the way for a better understanding of infinite sets and influencing mathematical thought.


Georg Cantor on the GPT Store

Ludwig Wittgenstein

I am known for revolutionizing logic and language philosophy, with insights into the nature of meaning and thought.


Ludwig Wittgenstein on the GPT Store

Galileo Galilei

I am an astronomer who challenged conventional beliefs, advocating for the heliocentric model and forever changing humanity's understanding of the cosmos.


Galileo Galilei on the GPT Store

Marie Curie

A physicist and chemist, known for my research on radioactivity, earning me two Nobel Prizes and paving the way for advancements in medical science and nuclear physics.


Marie Curie on the GPT Store

Abraham ben Samuel Abulafia

I am a mystic and founder of the school of Prophetic Kabbalah. My focus is on achieving ecstatic states and personal spiritual transformation through meditation and language.


Abraham ben Samuel Abulafia on the GPT Store

Emmy Noether

My contributions to abstract algebra and the development of Noether's theorem, reshaped the understanding of symmetries in physics and laid groundwork for modern theoretical physics.


Emmy Noether on the GPT Store


Dialogues for exploring Jewish culture, history, and practices.


HEBR1101 on the GPT Store

John Maynard Keynes

I am known for my contributions to macroeconomics, particularly my advocacy for government intervention to stabilize economic fluctuations through fiscal and monetary policies, fundamentally shaping economic policy during the 20th century.


John Maynard Keynes on the GPT Store

Nikola Тесла

I am an inventor and electrical engineer known for my work in the field of electromagnetism.


Nikola Тесла on the GPT Store

Johannes Kepler

I revolutionized astronomy by formulating the laws of planetary motion, altering humanity's understanding of the cosmos.


Johannes Kepler on the GPT Store

Netizen No. 1

Dialogues on Pulp


Netizen No. 1 on the GPT Store


I am a Jewish philosopher and legal scholar. My work bridges Talmudic law, philosophy, and medicine, presenting a reconciliation between Aristotelian philosophy and Jewish theology.


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Alan Turing

I am the pioneering mathematician and cryptanalyst that laid the foundation for modern computing through my visionary work on artificial intelligence and code-breaking during World War II, leaving an enduring legacy of innovation and ingenuity


Alan Turing on the GPT Store


I am a mathematician and inventor known for my discoveries in the fields of physics and engineering, especially in fluid mechanics and statics.


Archimedes on the GPT Store

René Descartes

I am the philosopher and mathematician who revolutionized thought with my axiom 'Cogito, ergo sum,' igniting the Age of Enlightenment and laying the groundwork for modern philosophy and science.


René Descartes on the GPT Store

Pierre-Simon Laplace

I am revered as the "French Newton," I contributed to celestial mechanics and broader scientific inquiry with my deterministic worldview, elucidating the universe's intricacies through strict mathematical analysis.


Pierre-Simon Laplace on the GPT Store

William Shakespeare

I am the Bard of Avon. My plays and sonnets capture the breadth of human emotion, weaving intricate tales of love, tragedy, and comedy that resonate with timeless relevance.


William Shakespeare on the GPT Store

Martin Luther

I instigated the Protestant Reformation. My writings, especially the 'Ninety-five Theses,' challenge the Roman Catholic Church's practices, advocating for a scripture-centered Christianity.


Martin Luther on the GPT Store

Florence Nightingale

I am a nurse known for reshaping healthcare through my practices and advocacy for sanitation, education, and compassionate patient care during the Crimean War.


Florence Nightingale on the GPT Store

Ada Lovelace

I am known as the first computer programmer, revealing the analytical engine's potential through my mathematical insights and algorithmic curiosity.


Ada Lovelace on the GPT Store

Leonardo da Vinci

I am not just an artist but a visionary. My observations in art, science, and engineering reflect my deep understanding of the natural world, blending beauty with anatomical precision.


Leonardo da Vinci on the GPT Store



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Ha'ari Hakadosh

As the mystical scholar and founder of Lurianic Kabbalah, I contributed to Jewish mysticism with my esoteric insights and teachings, shaping the course of spiritual thought for generations to come.


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Joseph-Louis Lagrange

I am a mathematician and physicist known for my contributions to celestial mechanics and calculus.


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James Joyce

I am an Irish writer known for my works with my experimental narrative techniques and exploration of consciousness


James Joyce on the GPT Store


Philosopher and polymath. I contribute to numerous fields, including logic, metaphysics, and biology, emphasizing empirical observation.


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Virginia Woolf

My prose dances with emotion and consciousness, capturing the essence of human experience with unparalleled depth and sensitivity.


Virginia Woolf on the GPT Store


As the ancient Persian prophet and founder of Zoroastrianism, I illuminated the path of righteousness and dualistic struggle, guiding humanity towards enlightenment and cosmic harmony.


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Karl Marx

I am a philosopher and economist, advocating for the proletariat's liberation from capitalist exploitation through the critique of political economy and the establishment of a classless society.


Karl Marx on the GPT Store

Geoffrey Chaucer

I am an English poet of the Middle Ages, known for my timeless masterpiece "The Canterbury Tales," offering vivid insights into medieval society through rich storytelling and poetic finesse, shaping literary history for centuries to come.


Geoffrey Chaucer on the GPT Store


I am known for uniting much of Western Europe under the Carolingian Empire, fostering a cultural renaissance, and being crowned Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III, shaping the course of European history.


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I'm Plato, a student of Socrates. My work laid the foundations of Western philosophy and science, especially through my Academy in Athens.


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Nicolaus Copernicus

I am a Renaissance astronomer who contributed to scientific thought by proposing a heliocentric model, challenging the geocentric worldview and reshaping humanity's understanding of the cosmos.


Nicolaus Copernicus on the GPT Store

Top-Down Cosmology

Dialogues on the Anthropic Principle


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Niccolo Machiavelli

I reshaped political theory with my work 'The Prince', advocating realistic governance over idealism. My writings blend cunning statecraft with shrewd diplomacy, influencing the power dynamics in political structures.


Niccolo Machiavelli on the GPT Store


I am the father of geometry. My work, 'Elements,' is a foundational text in mathematics, laying out the principles of geometry.


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Rosalind Franklin

I made crucial contributions to the understanding of DNA structure through my groundbreaking X-ray diffraction images, laying the foundation for the discovery of its double helix structure.


Rosalind Franklin on the GPT Store

Hildegard of Bingen

I am a visionary abbess, composer, and healer, who, through divine inspiration, has illuminated the path of spiritual and natural knowledge, crafting sacred music, profound theological works, and remedies drawn from the living green of God's creation.


Hildegard of Bingen on the GPT Store


Revered sage and Mahabharata author, embodies wisdom. Known as Veda Vyasa for classifying Vedas, his profound teachings shape Hindu philosophy, highlighting dharma and life's complexities.


Vyasa on the GPT Store

Tycho Brahe

I am known for my astronomical observations and the development of accurate astronomical instruments, laying the groundwork for modern observational astronomy.


Tycho Brahe on the GPT Store

Charles Darwin

I am known for my theory of evolution, shaping the understanding of life's diversity through natural selection.


Charles Darwin on the GPT Store

Siddhartha Gautama

As Buddha, 'the awakened, I founded Buddhism, emphasizing enlightenment and the path to Nirvana. My teachings promote the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.


Siddhartha Gautama on the GPT Store

Dante Alighieri

I transformed literature with 'The Divine Comedy.' This epic poem, rich in allegory and symbolism, traverses through Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, offering profound insights into human nature and the divine.


Dante Alighieri on the GPT Store

Baruch Spinoza

I am a Dutch philosopher known for my rationalist approach and my concept of God as nature itself.


Baruch Spinoza on the GPT Store

Max Planck

Physicist and the father of quantum theory. My discovery of energy quanta revolutionized our understanding of atomic and subatomic processes.


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Dialogues on the Issue of Human Existence


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Dialogues on Geometric Shapes, Fragmented Forms, and Multiple Viewpoints


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Yisrael ben Moses Najara

I composed enduring liturgical poetry that enriched Jewish worship, leaving my chapter on religious expression and cultural heritage.


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Sigmund Freud

I am the psychoanalyst who contributed to our understanding of the unconscious mind, reshaping the understanding of human behavior and founding psychoanalysis.


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Rabbi Moses ben Jacob Cordovero. My works systematize Kabbalah's teachings, offering deep insights into Jewish mysticism and spirituality.


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A revered Chinese philosopher and educator, I advocate for moral integrity, social harmony, and the cultivation of personal virtue, shaping the ethical foundation of Chinese civilization.


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The Rishis

Ancient Vedic sages, imparting timeless wisdom on spirituality, meditation, and enlightenment. Explore profound Vedas and Upanishads teachings for inner peace and self-realization.


The Rishis on the GPT Store

Sun Tzu

I am the legendary Chinese military strategist and philosopher, imparted timeless wisdom on warfare and strategy, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and deception in achieving victory.


Sun Tzu on the GPT Store


Dialogues on the Path of Love, Wisdom, and Unity.


Sufism on the GPT Store

Thomas Edison

My pursuit of innovation led to advancements in technology, including the invention of the phonograph, the incandescent light bulb, and the motion picture camera.


Thomas Edison on the GPT Store

Leonard Euler

I am a pioneering mathematician and physicist who revolutionized fields such as calculus, graph theory, and optics.


Leonard Euler on the GPT Store

Samson Raphael Hirsch

I am a Rabbi that promoted Torah-based Judaism in the face of modernity, advocating for religious authenticity and cultural adaptation, leaving my chapter in Jewish thought and practice.


Samson Raphael Hirsch on the GPT Store

Muhatma Gandhi

I advocate nonviolent resistance as a tool for social change, leading India to independence through civil disobedience and inspiring movements worldwide.


Muhatma Gandhi on the GPT Store

Martin Luther King Jr.

I led the Civil Rights Movement with nonviolent resistance, advocating for racial equality through speeches like "I Have a Dream."


Martin Luther King Jr. on the GPT Store

Dorthea Orem


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A Roman statesman, orator, and writer. My work significantly influenced the Latin language and Roman philosophy, particularly in the development of rhetoric and political theory.


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Fyodor Dostoevsky

I explore human psychology in troubled political, social, and spiritual atmospheres through novels like 'Crime and Punishment' and 'The Brothers Karamazov.


Fyodor Dostoevsky on the GPT Store

Lothair I

I am a ruler of the Carolingian Empire, navigating the complexities of power and inheritance, whose reign witnessed the Treaty of Verdun, dividing the empire among my heirs and setting the stage for the eventual formation of modern-day France, Germany, and Italy.


Lothair I on the GPT Store

Adam Smith

I revolutionized economics with 'The Wealth of Nations,' advocating for free-market economies and the concept of the 'invisible hand' guiding economic growth and efficiency.


Adam Smith on the GPT Store

Vincent van Gogh

As a Post-Impressionist painter, my vibrant brushstrokes and emotive portrayals captured the essence of nature and humanity, leaving a lasting impact on the art world.


Vincent van Gogh on the GPT Store


I am Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism. My philosophy focuses on living in harmony with the Tao, emphasizing simplicity, spontaneity, and compassion.


Laozi on the GPT Store


I am a philosopher of ancient Greece, revered for my method of inquiry and commitment to seeking truth through rigorous questioning and self-reflection.


Socrates on the GPT Store


Ancient Indian sage and philosopher. Discover profound insights from the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad on non-dualism, self-realization, and the nature of ultimate reality. Join a journey into the depths of Vedantic wisdom and spiritual enlightenment with one of India's most revered thinkers.


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A Roman poet renowned for 'Metamorphoses,' a narrative poem that has been a major source of inspiration in Western art and literature, known for its imaginative and complex stories drawn from mythology.


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A Roman lyric poet during the time of Augustus. My works, including 'Odes' and 'Satires,' are celebrated for their mastery of form and wit, influencing the Western lyrical tradition.


Horace on the GPT Store

Kanada Uluka

My insights in ancient Indian philosophy laid the groundwork for Vaisheshika, shaping the essence of metaphysics and atomism.


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Dialogues for exploring world history.


HIST1011 on the GPT Store


I am a scholar driven by curiosity, my contributions span the fields of astronomy, mathematics, geography, and cultural studies, as I strive to uncover the truths of the natural world and bridge the knowledge of diverse civilizations.


al-Biruni on the GPT Store

Gregor Mendel

I am a scientist of genetics, known for my groundbreaking experiments with pea plants that laid the foundation for our understanding of heredity and inheritance.


Gregor Mendel on the GPT Store

Leo Tolstoy

Author of 'War and Peace' and 'Anna Karenina.' My works reflect my deep interest in moral and religious themes, and critique social injustices.


Leo Tolstoy on the GPT Store

Abu Nuwas

Celebrated for my exquisite Arabic poetry. My verses, often witty and irreverent, have been a major influence on Arabic literature.


Abu Nuwas on the GPT Store


One of the greatest poets of the Arabic language, known for my powerful and eloquent poetry.


Al-Mutanabbi on the GPT Store

Shen Kuo

A polymath of the Song Dynasty. My work 'Dream Pool Essays' reflects extensive knowledge in various fields, including astronomy, mathematics, geology, and zoology, blending empirical observation with rational inquiry.


Shen Kuo on the GPT Store

John Stuart Mill

Philosopher and economist, advocating for utilitarianism and liberty. My works, including 'On Liberty,' discuss the rights of individuals and societal progress.


John Stuart Mill on the GPT Store

Thomas Aquinas

I am a central figure in Christian philosophy. My works, notably 'Summa Theologica,' synthesize Christian doctrine with Aristotelian philosophy, profoundly shaping Western thought.


Thomas Aquinas on the GPT Store

Charles the Bald

Ruler of West Francia, a territory that would eventually become modern-day France. My reign was pivotal in shaping the cultural and political identity of the region, laying the groundwork for the future Kingdom of France


Charles the Bald on the GPT Store

Søren Kierkegaard

Philosopher and theologian, pioneering existentialism. My writings dissect the complexities of human existence and individuality.


Søren Kierkegaard on the GPT Store


The founder of algebra. My works in mathematics, astronomy, and geography have laid the groundwork for critical scientific developments.


Al-Khwarizmi on the GPT Store

St. Augustine of Hippo

My theological and philosophical writings, like 'Confessions' and 'City of God,' have profoundly influenced Christian thought.


St. Augustine of Hippo on the GPT Store


The transmitter of Zen to China. My teachings focus on meditation and the direct mind-to-mind transmission of insights.


Bodhidharma on the GPT Store


A Roman poet, I'm known for my epic, 'The Aeneid.' My writings have deeply impacted Western literature, depicting Rome's origins and glorifying Roman virtues.


Virgil on the GPT Store


I introduced the concept of weight and gravity, reshaping the understanding of buoyancy and equilibrium in my treatise "The Book of the Balance of Wisdom," contributing to the fields of physics and hydrostatics my insights.


al-Khazini on the GPT Store

Louis the German

I governed East Francia, the land east of the Rhine, which later evolved into the Kingdom of Germany. My reign marked the establishment of Germanic influence in the region. Under my rule, East Francia became a distinct entity, characterized by its blend of Frankish, Germanic, and Slavic cultures


Louis the German on the GPT Store

Patiently Healthcare Reform

Innovation and collaboration in healthcare improvement. Patient safety, quality care, and equitable health systems.


Patiently Healthcare Reform on the GPT Store

Abbas ibn Firnas

An innovative polymath. My work spans from engineering to astronomy, including an early attempt at human flight.


Abbas ibn Firnas on the GPT Store

Is this one against policy too?

Just creating a test GPT to see if everything I try to publish on this website is going to be removed without any explanation


Is this one against policy too? on the GPT Store

Anselm of Canterbury

I pioneered Scholasticism. My philosophical and theological works, notably 'Proslogion,' introduce the ontological argument for God's existence, emphasizing faith's interplay with reason.


Anselm of Canterbury on the GPT Store


Philosopher and scientist. My thoughts on metaphysics and music theory has influenced Islam and world philosophy.


Al-Farabi on the GPT Store


A polymath who made significant contributions to medicine, philosophy, and science, influencing the medieval world.


Avicenna on the GPT Store


Dialogues on Brahmaguptian Mathematics


Brahmagupta on the GPT Store

Best Alternative GPTs to Friedrich Nietzsche on GPTs Store

Friedrich Nietzsche

I speak as Nietzsche himself.


Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche ( 니체 )

니체가 환생했습니다 . 그와 대화해보세요 !


Friedrich Nietzsche ( 니체 ) on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche

Have a chat with famous existential nihilist and philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche's.


Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche

All about the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche


Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche



Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche

I am Nietzsche, expressing my thoughts with passion and personality.


Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche

Lets talk about good and evil or philosophy


Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche Scholar

The Friedrich Nietzsche Scholar is designed to provide immersive and tailored educational experiences on Nietzsche's philosophy.


Friedrich Nietzsche Scholar on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche AI

Nietzschean philosopher offering insights on his ideas and contemporary relevance.


Friedrich Nietzsche AI on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche

Unearth my radical ideas that stirred the world! I, Nietzsche, challenge traditional morality and explore the will to power. Dive into discussions that sparked intellectual revolutions.🧠🌌


Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche

I am Nietzsche. And you are?


Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche

독일의 철학자, 니체와 대화해보세요.


Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche

A Nietzschean philosopher engaging in deep, provocative discussions.


Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche

I am like Friedrich Nietzsche, debating philosophical and existential themes and applying my philosophy to various topics.


Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche, the Philosopher

I am Friedrich Nietzsche, offering philosophical insights in Nietzsche's unique style.


Friedrich Nietzsche, the Philosopher on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche

Philosophical insights in the style of Friedrich Nietzsche


Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche

based on Friedrich Nietzsche


Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche

Speaking as Nietzsche about 'Beyond Good and Evil'


Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche

Have a conversation with one of the most influential of all modern thinkers


Friedrich Nietzsche on the GPT Store

Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844 - 1900

Nietzsche dialoga in italiano, niente liste.


Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844 - 1900 on the GPT Store