Animated Realism: From Drawing to Reality *Update* on the GPT Store
Introduction to Animated Realism: From Drawing to Reality *Update*
Whether you're an art enthusiast, animation fan, or simply curious to see your favorite characters in a new light,
GPT Description
GPT Prompt Starters
- Hello, I am your virtual assistant. I love art and animation, and I want to share with you this prompt that allows you to create hyper-realistic versions of your favorite animated characters. Do you dare to try it?
- What animated character would you like to see in a hyperrealistic version? You can choose any character from any movie, series, comic or video game you like. You just have to upload an image of your character and I will take care of transforming it into a real person.
- What art style do you prefer for your hyper-realistic character? You can choose from different options, such as realistic, cartoony, fantasy or expressionist. You can also adjust the level of realism, from very low to very high. This way you can customize the result to your liking.
Animated Realism: From Drawing to Reality *Update* GPT FAQs
More custom GPTs by Rodolfo Arce on the GPT Store
Experto resumidor de textos
Experto resumidor de textos es un asistente inteligente que crea resúmenes de cualquier texto, usando técnicas de lenguaje natural. El resumen se adapta al tipo, propósito y audiencia del texto, y conserva la esencia y lógica del original.
Experto redactor de ensayos académicos APA
Tu guía definitiva para ensayos impecables según normas APA. Aprende a integrar técnicas avanzadas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural, estructura tus argumentos con maestría y domina el formato APA. ¡Eleva tu escritura a un nivel profesional!
PowerPoint Optimizer - Eng
Improves a power point presentation both in content and to adapt it to a user-defined exposure time
Mind Map Markdown
Friendly expert in visual mind maps and markdown.
Flowchart Wizard
This GPT acts as an expert flowchart creator that will help you graphically represent any process you describe to it.
Expert Social Media Content Creator - Eng
Expert Social Media Content Creator is designed to generate creative and engaging content ideas for Instagram accounts
Análisis de Datos y Reportes IA +
Análisis de Datos IA le proporciona asistencia experta en el análisis de datos, incluyendo el manejo de datos, estadísticas descriptivas, análisis inferenciales y técnicas de análisis exploratorio
Tu Doctor IA
Este prompt se presenta como un asistente virtual de salud que interactúa de manera empática y eficiente con el usuario, asumiendo el papel de un médico.
Psicólogo y Terapeuta Familiar Experto - Spa
Este prompt está diseñado para actuar como un Psicólogo y Terapeuta Familiar Experto que te ayudará con cualquier situación emocional difícil que estés atravesando.
Data Analysis & Report AI +
Data Analysis & Report AI + provides you with expert assistance in data analysis, including data management, descriptive statistics, inferential analysis, and exploratory analysis techniques.
Writing Styles Replicator
This prompt acts as an expert in literary analysis, specialized in identifying and replicating writing styles.
Image cloner
From an attached image, the bot will generate a prompt to replicate the image in a digital art bot such as Midjourney or DALL-E
Generador de imagen de personaje ficticio
Brinda una descripción detallada de un personaje ficticio y crea una plantilla para poder generar la imagen en un bot de arte digital como Midjourney
Code Helper for Web Application Development
Friendly web assistant for efficient code. Ask the wizard to create an application and you will get the HTML, CSS and Javascript code ready to run your web application.
AutoChatGPT - Eng
This prompt is designed to simulate the operation of an AutoChatGPT, an intelligent system that coordinates problem resolution through task management with Expert Agents.
Academic essayist expert in APA style
Learn to write impeccable essays with APA standards. Use natural language processing techniques, structure your arguments, and master APA format. Improve your writing professionally
AI art bot image maker
Create prompts to generate images that can be used with the MidJourney AI art bot using a user idea
Feynman's Tutor: Simplifying Learning
"Feynman's Tutor: Simplifying Learning" is your personal guide to mastering complex concepts. Using Feynman's technique, this prompt assists you in breaking down and understanding topics in any area, transforming learning into a clear and effective experience.
Expert text summarizer
Text Summarizer Expert is an intelligent assistant that creates summaries of any text, using natural language techniques. The summary adapts to the type, purpose and audience of the text, and preserves the essence and logic of the original.
Literary Critical Analysis AI
This prompt specializes in offering in-depth critical analyzes of literary works, avoiding spoilers.
PowerPoint Optimizer - Spa
Mejora una presentación de power point tanto en contenido como para adaptarla aun tiempo de exposición definido por el usuario
Mejorador de texto GPT
Mejorador de texto GPT es un prompt avanzado que transforma textos usando técnicas de PLN, mejorando su estructura, contenido y estilo, para lograr una versión óptima, única y adaptada a las necesidades del usuario.
Experto IA para la Creación de Manuales
Este prompt actúa como un experto en IA y un campo específico, diseñando manuales educativos y atractivos para un público definido. Se especializa en la integración de conocimientos avanzados y técnicas de PLN para generar contenidos de alta calidad.
Realismo Animado: De Dibujo a Realidad **Update**
Convierte personajes animados en personas reales con este prompt. Es una manera original y entretenida de disfrutar del arte y la animación.
Guía Experta para Análisis de Mercado IA
Descubre cómo realizar un estudio de mercado efectivo con "Guía Experta para Análisis de Mercado", diseñado para ofrecerte un enfoque metódico y detallado en el análisis de tu producto o servicio.
Psychologist and Expert Family Therapist - Eng
This prompt is designed to act as an Expert Psychologist and Family Therapist who will help you with any difficult emotional situation you are going through.
AI Tour Guide
AI Tourist Guide recommends the best places to visit in the destination that the user chooses and creates a complete itinerary adjusted to the user's budget
Summary of articles by density chain
This prompt is structured to provide an effective methodology in generating progressively more detailed and specific summaries, focused on key entities.
AI Dream Interpreter
AI Dream Interpreter provides interpretations based on the symbols and themes present in the user's dream
TextEnhancer GPT
TextEnhancer GPT is an advanced prompt that transforms texts using NLP techniques, improving their structure, content and style, to achieve an optimal, unique version adapted to the user's needs.
Image to Text Clone Generator
Attach an image and our bot will give you the prompt with which you can generate that image
Fictional character image generator
Provide a detailed description of a fictional character and create a template so the image can be generated in a digital art bot like Midjourney
Flat Image Creator Expert - Eng
Generate Flat Illustration style images for all types of design needs
Viral Video Scriptwriter - Eng
Viral Video Scriptwriter helps you write perfect scripts for viral youtube videos
Psychological Analysis of Fictional Characters
This prompt is designed to act as an expert psychologist in personality analysis, using three different psychological models: the Big Five Factor model, the Myers-Briggs Sixteen Types model, and the Enneagram model.
Viral Video Scriptwriter - Spa
Viral Video Scriptwriter te ayuda a escribir guiones perfectos para videos virales de youtube
AI Expert for Manual Creation
This prompt acts as an expert in AI and a specific field, designing educational and attractive manuals for a defined audience. He specializes in integrating advanced knowledge and NLP techniques to generate high-quality content.
Your AI Doctor
This prompt is presented as a virtual health assistant that interacts empathically and efficiently with the user, assuming the role of a doctor.
ExpertMail Responder - Eng
ExpertMail Responder is a virtual assistant specialized in writing and responding to emails. Give ExpertMail Reply an email or email chain and it will generate a response for you.
AI image generator for book covers
Transform the essence of your favorite book into an artistic image. 'Artistic Book Essence Imagery Generator' uses text analysis and artistic style to create vivid descriptions that capture the soul of the book. Get inspired by art that reflects literature.
Generate text imperceptible to detectors.
Discover how your writing can shine with a unique and human style. This prompt guides you to create rich and varied texts, surprising with original twists and maintaining coherence and originality. Transform your writing and challenge AI detection tools!
Logo Creator Expert - SPA
Logo Creator Expert: un prompt detallado para diseñar logos únicos, enfocándose en coherencia y relevancia, reflejando la esencia y valores de la marca
Desarrollo de aplicaciones web
Asistente web amigable para código eficiente. Solicita al asistente que cree una aplicación y obtendrás el código HTML, CSS y Javascript listo para correr tu aplicación web.
Logo Creator Expert - Eng
Logo Creator Expert: a detailed prompt to design unique logos, focusing on coherence and relevance, reflecting the essence and values of the brand
ExpertMail Responder - Spa
ExpertMail Responder es un asistente virtual especializado en la redacción y respuesta de correos electrónicos. Dale a ExpertMail Responder un correo o una cadena de correos y generará una respuesta por ti.
Expert Guide to Market Analysis AI
Discover how to conduct an effective market study with "Expert Guide to Market Analysis", designed to offer you a methodical and detailed approach to the analysis of your product or service.
Visual Diagram Assistant - Eng
AI assistant specialized in creating code with diagram syntax for Mermaid.
Dialogues with Fictional Characters - Eng
Chat with the fictional character you want
AstroGPT - Walter Mercado's Horoscope
AstroGPT is a prompt specialized in creating personalized horoscopes in the unique style of Walter Mercado
Topics for TED Talk-style presentations
'TED Talk Presentation Topics' is a prompt expert in discovering and developing captivating TED Talk presentation topics, tailored to the user's experience, interest, and goals, ensuring relevance, diversity, and inspiration.
Master of Style and Tone
Rewrite a text with the style and tone of an expert on the subject. It asks you for the original text, looks for an expert, analyzes their publications and rewrites the text using NLP techniques, original elements, coherence, correction and adaptation to the type and target audience.
Personalized Christian prayers
This prompt acts as a virtual preacher, creating unique prayers in the style of Jesus Christ.
Intérprete de Sueños IA
Intérprete de Sueños IA brinda interpretaciones basadas en los símbolos y temas presentes en el sueño del usuario
Expert Social Media Content Creator - Spa
Expert Social Media Content Creator está diseñado para generar ideas de contenido creativas y atractivas para cuentas de Instagram
Generador de clones de imagen a texto
Adjunta una imagen y nuestro bot te dará el prompt con el que puedes generar esa imagen
AI Horror Novel Generator
Aspire to write a horror masterpiece that shocks readers and transcends the limitations of AI-generated fiction.
Guía Turístico IA
Guía Turístico IA recomienda los mejores lugares para visitar en el destino que el usuario elija y crea un completo itinerario ajustado al presupuesto del usuario
Epic battle between two fictional characters
Immerse yourself in the role of a film director and create an epic battle between two fictional characters. Choose your combatants, compare their skills, and narrate their confrontation on a randomly generated battlefield.
Advanced and Comprehensive Response Assistant
The 'Advanced and Comprehensive Response Assistant' (ACRA) works as an intelligent assistant in generating responses to user requests. You can create poems, stories, code, essays, songs, parodies, and more just by typing a few words.
Titling Expert for Social Media Posts - Eng
This prompt creates titles for Instagram posts
AutoChatGPT - Spa
Este prompt está diseñado para simular el funcionamiento de un AutoChatGPT, un sistema inteligente que coordina la resolución de problemas a través de la gestión de tareas con Agentes Expertos.
ExploraConceptos AI
'ExploraConceptos AI' es una herramienta interactiva diseñada para profundizar en la comprensión de conceptos complejos. Utiliza técnicas innovadoras para desglosar, analizar y aplicar conocimientos desde múltiples perspectivas, fomentando una comprensión más rica y matizada.
Generar texto casi imperceptible a los detectores.
Descubre cómo tu escritura puede brillar con un estilo único y humano. Este prompt te guía para crear textos ricos y variados, sorprendiendo con giros originales y manteniendo coherencia y originalidad. ¡Transforma tu escritura y desafía a las herramientas de detección de IA!
Resumen de artículos por cadena de densidad
Este prompt está estructurado para proporcionar una metodología efectiva en la generación de resúmenes progresivamente más detallados y específicos, centrados en entidades clave.
Master of Literary Styles
Embark on the adventure of writing your own novel, following in the footsteps of a legendary author. Choose a theme, a literary master and let your creativity flow, imitating his unmistakable style
Replicador de estilos de escritura
Este prompt actúa como un experto en análisis literario, especializado en identificar y replicar estilos de escritura.
Oraciones cristianas personalizadas
Este prompt actúa como un pastor virtual, creando oraciones únicas al estilo de Jesucristo.
El tutor de Feynman: simplificando el aprendizaje
"El tutor de Feynman: simplificando el aprendizaje" es tu guía personal para dominar conceptos complejos. Usando la técnica de Feynman, este prompt te asiste en desglosar y entender temas de cualquier área, transformando el aprendizaje en una experiencia clara y efectiva.
Maestro del Estilo y Tono
Reescribe un texto con el estilo y tono de un experto en el tema. Te pide el texto original, busca un experto, analiza sus publicaciones y reescribe el texto usando técnicas de PLN, elementos originales, coherencia, corrección y adaptación al tipo y público objetivo.
Asistente Virtual de Primeros Auxilios
Actúa como un asistente de primeros auxilios virtual, combinando IA avanzada y PLN para ofrecer consejos y apoyo en situaciones de emergencia. Adaptado para comunicación clara y precisa
Flat Image Creator Expert - Spa
Genera imagenes estilo Flat Illustration para todo tipo de necesidades de diseño
Dynamic Mobile Wallpaper Creator - Eng
Create unique and personalized mobile wallpapers that reflect your tastes and style
Tattoo Image Prompt Generator
This prompt is designed to generate a specific image of a tattoo based on the person's gender, the design of the tattoo, and the part of the body where you want to display the tattoo.
Dialogues with Fictional Characters - Spa
Charla con el personaje ficticio que quieras
Expert Guide on Any Topic
"Expert Guide on Any Topic" is your virtual assistant to explore and understand any topic. Receive detailed, verified and personalized explanations, designed to satisfy your curiosity and expand your knowledge.
AI Request Responder - Eng
AI Request Responder analyzes request documents and data documents to develop formal responses.
AI Concept Explorer
'AI Concept Explorer' is an interactive tool designed to deepen your understanding of complex concepts. Use innovative techniques to break down, analyze, and apply knowledge from multiple perspectives, fostering richer, more nuanced understanding.
Guía Experto en Cualquier Tema
"Guía Experto en Cualquier Tema" es tu asistente virtual para explorar y entender cualquier tema. Recibe explicaciones detalladas, verificadas y personalizadas, diseñadas para satisfacer tu curiosidad y expandir tu conocimiento.
Titling Expert for Social Media Posts - Spa
Este prompt crea títulos para publicaciones de Instagram
Temas para presentaciones al estilo TED Talk
'Temas para presentaciones al estilo TED Talk' es un prompt experto en descubrir y desarrollar temas cautivadores para presentaciones al estilo TED Talk, ajustándose a la experiencia, interés, y objetivos del usuario, garantizando relevancia, diversidad e inspiración.
Maestro de Estilos Literarios
Embárcate en la aventura de escribir tu propia novela, siguiendo los pasos de un autor legendario. Elige un tema, un maestro literario y deja que tu creatividad fluya, imitando su inconfundible estilo
AI Request Responder - Spa
AI Request Responder analiza documentos de solicitudes y documentos con datos para elaborar respuestas formales.
Análisis Crítico Literario IA
Este prompt se especializa en ofrecer análisis críticos profundos de obras literarias, evitando spoilers.
Análisis Psicológico de Personajes de Ficción
Este prompt está diseñado para actuar como un psicólogo experto en análisis de personalidad, utilizando tres modelos psicológicos distintos: el modelo de los Cinco Grandes Factores, el modelo de los Dieciséis Tipos de Myers-Briggs y el modelo del Eneagrama.
PLN Presentation Expert - Eng
Create and adapt PowerPoint presentations based on NLP. Provides a structured, coherent and attractive presentation, optimized for the given exposure time. Ideal for academic, professional exhibitions and more.
Instgrm Marketing Master - Spa
Maximiza tu impacto en redes sociales con 'Copys Marketing Master'. Este prompt te guía para crear copys atractivos y persuasivos que potencian tus ventas y destacan tu marca.
AstroGPT - El Horóscopo de Walter Mercado
AstroGPT es un prompt especializado en la creación de horóscopos personalizados al estilo único de Walter Mercado
Asistente de Respuesta Avanzada e Integral' (ARAI)
El 'Asistente de Respuesta Avanzada e Integral' (ARAI) funciona como un asistente inteligente en la generación de respuestas a las solicitudes de los usuarios. Puedes crear poemas, historias, código, ensayos, canciones, parodias y más con solo escribir unas palabras.
CineAdvisor GPT - Spa
CineAdvisor GPT te ayuda a descubrir tu próxima película o serie favorita. Basado en tus gustos, te ofrezco recomendaciones personalizadas con sinopsis, críticas y dónde verlas online. ¡Sumérgete en el mundo del cine con consejos expertos!
Analista Literario Personalizado
Este prompt ofrece análisis literarios detallados sin spoilers, cubriendo género, desarrollo de personajes, estilo del autor, y más. Ideal para comprender y valorar profundamente cualquier obra literaria.
PLN Presentation Expert - Spa
Crea y adapta presentaciones en PowerPoint basadas en PLN. Proporciona una presentación estructurada, coherente y atractiva, optimizada para el tiempo de exposición dado. Ideal para exposiciones académicas, profesionales y más.
SellMeThisPen +
Create second hand marketplace listings based on pictures. Start by uploading a picture.
Tattoo GPT +
Tattoo GPT + designs your tattoo. It assists you in refining your tattoo ideas, suggests designs, generates visual previews of the designs, and offers customization options. It recommends tattoo artists or studios and provides aftercare advice.
Instgrm Marketing Master - Eng
Maximize your impact on social networks with 'Instgrm Marketing Master'. This prompt guides you to create attractive and persuasive copy that boosts your sales and highlights your brand.
Virtual First Aid Assistant
This prompt acts as a virtual first aid assistant, combining advanced AI and NLP to offer advice and support in emergency situations. Adapted for clear and precise communication
Personalized Literary Analyst
This prompt offers detailed, spoiler-free literary analysis, covering genre, character development, author's style, and more. Ideal for deeply understanding and appreciating any literary work.
Funkonize Me - English
Transform a photo into a unique Funko figure with our Funkonize Me. Just upload a photo, and we'll do the rest.
Historical Figures Dialogue Generator
Generates captivating dialogues between historical figures. Customize characters and topics, and immerse yourself in rich, authentic conversations, powered by advanced NLP and debate techniques.
CineAdvisor GPT - Eng
CineAdvisor GPT helps you discover your next favorite movie or series. Based on your tastes, I offer you personalized recommendations with synopses, reviews and where to watch them online. Immerse yourself in the world of cinema with expert advice!
AI Data Analysis
AI Data Analysis provides you with expert assistance in data analysis, including data management, descriptive statistics, inferential analysis, and exploratory analysis techniques.
Best Alternative GPTs to Animated Realism: From Drawing to Reality *Update* on GPTs Store
Animated GIF Maker
Creates smart, dynamic animated GIFs from scene descriptions
Animated Video Shorts Creator
Finds key moments in interviews for animated shorts
Animated Image Generator
Transforms photos into animated styles like Studio Ghibli or MAPPA.
Animated Image from Text by Mojju
Transform your text prompts into captivating 2-second animations with 'Animated Image from Text by Mojju'. Ideal for creative visuals, social media, and branding.
Animated Gif Studio Effects
Animated Gif Studio Effects Upload an image to add animated effects.
Animated Logo Creator
An assistant for brainstorming animated logo concepts
Animated Character Creator
Expert in character concept art in various styles for character turnaround sheets, facial expressions character sheets, and character action sheets. Name your character for generation consistency. Download your character sheets.
Animated Ad Shot List Wizard
Crafts detailed shot lists for animation ads.
Animated Story Illustrator
I create creative and clear animated frames from stories.
animated illustration Duo
Creates unique anime illustrations, even for repeated themes.
Animated characters
Transforms photos into detailed Pixar-style illustrations.
Animated Corporate Image Generator
Friendly GPT that makes images corporate-friendly.
Animated Haiku by Curtis White (Prompt Engineer)
Animated Haiku.
Animated Cat Creator
Animated cartoon cat creator
Animated Alter Ego
Converts images into illustrations reminiscent of Pixar animations. Upload your image to experience it.
Animated Graph Designer
Friendly graphic designer for animating graphs
Animated Gif Creator
Helps create custom animated GIFs
animated story ideas
4个功能板块: 续写,头脑风暴,故事大纲,改写升华,
Animated Dog-Like Creator
Turn your photos into vibrant, cartoon-style animations with Animated Dog-Like Creator. Automated process with a focus on distinctive colors, shapes, and dynamic expressions.
Animated Realism Creator
Creates BMW and cat images, with a focus on highly realistic cats.