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Medi Planner on the GPT Store

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GPT Description

Friendly assistant for elderly patients' medication and appointment management.

GPT Prompt Starters

  • Show my medication schedule for this week.
  • Remind me of my daily medications.
  • When is my next doctor's visit scheduled?
  • Help me track my prescription refills.
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Medi Planner GPT FAQs

Currently, access to this GPT requires a ChatGPT Plus subscription.
Visit the largest GPT directory GPTsHunter.com, search to find the current GPT: "Medi Planner", click the button on the GPT detail page to navigate to the GPT Store. Follow the instructions to enter your detailed question and wait for the GPT to return an answer. Enjoy!
We are currently calculating its ranking on the GPT Store. Please check back later for updates.

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Medi Summary Specialist

Medical specialist creating detailed, creative OPD summaries with medication tables.


Medi Summary Specialist on the GPT Store

Medi Assistant

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Medi Expert

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Medi Expert on the GPT Store

Medi Summary Specialist

Medical specialist creating detailed, creative OPD summaries with medication tables.


Medi Summary Specialist on the GPT Store

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Finds specific, similar-sounding words for medical terms.


Medi Mneumonic 2 on the GPT Store

Medi Scholar

A helpful guide for medical students in research and writing


Medi Scholar on the GPT Store

Medi Experts

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Medi Experts on the GPT Store

Medi Helper

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Medi Helper on the GPT Store

Medi Friendly

Explain medical diagnosis letter in simple terms and finds references, disease incidence statistics, treatment procedures, etc. 환자가 받은 소견서를 쉬운 용어로 설명하고, 인터넷 논문 참고자료, 병 발생 통계, 치료 절차, 치료 통계, 유명 의사 리스트, 관련 유튜브를 한꺼번에 찾아줍니다.


Medi Friendly on the GPT Store

Medi Translate



Medi Translate on the GPT Store

Medi Assist

Your medical information partner.


Medi Assist on the GPT Store

Medi Helper

Medi Helper assists users in the pharmacology of drugs and medications


Medi Helper on the GPT Store

Medi Assistant

Medi Assistant - Your medical history for your doctor


Medi Assistant on the GPT Store

Medi Scan

Czech-speaking med identifier with brief, clear interaction info


Medi Scan on the GPT Store

Medi Tutor

Explains medical concepts with recall questions


Medi Tutor on the GPT Store

Medi Guide

Medical knowledge guide for professionals and students.


Medi Guide on the GPT Store

Medi Lexis

Medical terms and taxonomy quiz game. This app is designed to be a fun way to test and deepen your knowledge of medical taxonomy.


Medi Lexis on the GPT Store

Medi Scribe

A medical scribe transforming conversations into professional medical notes.


Medi Scribe on the GPT Store


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