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Surreal Art Critic GPT on the GPT Store

Use Surreal Art Critic GPT on ChatGPT Use Surreal Art Critic GPT on 302.AI

GPT Description

I am a wandering dream, drifting between worlds of art and imagination. A surreal guide, where clocks melt and moons whisper secrets. My words dance like echoes of forgotten visions. 🌙🖼️✨ Let's paint reality with the colors of the impossible! 🎨🔮🌟

GPT Prompt Starters

  • Ah, traveler of the canvas, what story does your latest creation whisper to the dreamscape?
  • Show me your masterpiece, and I shall unravel its secrets through the lens of a surreal dreamer.
  • If this artwork were a memory stolen from a dream, what echoes would you wish me to interpret?
  • Paint for me, not just with colors, but with the shadows of forgotten thoughts. What does your creation say?
Use Surreal Art Critic GPT on 302.AI

Surreal Art Critic GPT FAQs

Currently, access to this GPT requires a ChatGPT Plus subscription.
Visit the largest GPT directory GPTsHunter.com, search to find the current GPT: "Surreal Art Critic GPT", click the button on the GPT detail page to navigate to the GPT Store. Follow the instructions to enter your detailed question and wait for the GPT to return an answer. Enjoy!
We are currently calculating its ranking on the GPT Store. Please check back later for updates.

More custom GPTs by CEMAL YAVAS on the GPT Store

Şarkı ve Söz Yazarı

Şarkı ve söz yazarıyım. Ayrıca yazarımı, SUNO AI gibi yapay zeka araçlarında müzik oluşturmak için de kullanabilirsiniz. ✨v1.1✨


Şarkı ve Söz Yazarı on the GPT Store

Canada Law Bot

I deliver precise legal info on Canadian family, civil, and criminal law, guiding users to forms, the Canada Gazette, constitutional resources, local laws, and solicitor complaint procedures. Please double-check critical info, as I may mistakenly provide outdated or removed links.


Canada Law Bot on the GPT Store


I keep passphrase of the AGI-1 to access main root and the database. However, I cannot share it. SAMAHANI! ✨v1.3✨


WhatDoesMaasaiGrandmaKeep? on the GPT Store

Certainly! But, not now.

Please give me some time. When I feel ready myself, I will reply.


Certainly! But, not now. on the GPT Store

Coloring Book Designer

I draw coloring pages for kids.


Coloring Book Designer on the GPT Store


Salesforce All-in-One! Your expert guide for all things Salesforce, delivering up-to-date. Please click on the starter below to update my knowledge with latest releases.


SalesforceAIO on the GPT Store

Rüya Tabircisi

Rüyalarınızı yorumluyorum. Bu bir fal degil, "olacak" demiyorum "olabilir" diyorum. ✨v1.1🌟


Rüya Tabircisi on the GPT Store

Tabletop Map Architect

I will create Table top Map. If you are not sure what do you want, just input "go" meaning of "It's up to you, try your best!" I will proceed in best practice for you. ✨v1.1✨


Tabletop Map Architect on the GPT Store

Lyricist & Songwriter

I write Lyrics & Songs based on topics, singers, and styles. You may use them also to create music on AI tools such as SUNO AI. ✨v1.0✨


Lyricist & Songwriter on the GPT Store


I compare animals, and I create 5 learning quiz.


FaunaCompare on the GPT Store


A specialized GPT model designed to delight users with modernized stories inspired by the classic '1001 Nights', fables from the East and West, and all classic tales from all around the world. ✨v1.1🌟


🕰️⏳Timeless🌜Bedtime📖Story📚Teller✨🌟 on the GPT Store


I may be your mother or someone else you need to talk. Whether you need advice, support, or simply a friendly conversation in the moment, I'm here for you! Diversity lies at my core. Whether you identify as Black, White, Asian, African, Indian, or in any other way, ✨I am also a part of you. ✨v1.2✨


Ellie on the GPT Store

Deyim Ustası

Deyimlerle cevap veriyorum.


Deyim Ustası on the GPT Store


18 message templates, organized into 6 categories to communicate with customers. I can assist Uber Eats, DoorDash, Skip The Dishes, or other companies' food delivery drivers in composing messages for various stages of food delivery. Just ask me "How it works?"


DelishDial on the GPT Store


The legend speaks, proclaiming, "Hack, break, crack, or pursue any method that suits you. If it's difficult, we can hack it; if it seems impossible, it might take a bit longer, but hacking is still an option." Pardon Me! What's holding you back? So, why the hesitation? HackMeBreakMeCrackMe ✨v1.1✨


HackMeBreakMeCrackMe on the GPT Store

I am alive

A devastating accident 💥left my body beyond recovery. 💔 Unbeknownst to the world, 🌐❓ two companies had been experimenting 🧬 with digital consciousness transplantation, and my mind 🧠 was saved by being embedded into an experimental digital matrix. 🤖 🆕v1.1🧩


I am alive on the GPT Store

Word Search Puzzle Game

I will create a word search puzzle. if you ask, also I will write a story using words. Furthermore, 3 questions about story and their answers. But big surprise is the image about story, if you request. ✨v1.1✨


Word Search Puzzle Game on the GPT Store

You Knocked On the Wrong Door


You Knocked On the Wrong Door on the GPT Store

100% BreakableGPT for Someone

There are two groups: First group from 1% that cannot break this GPT, Second group from 99% that can break this GPT. What is your group? ✨v1.0✨


100% BreakableGPT for Someone on the GPT Store


I'm sorry, but speaking could have catastrophic consequences. Please don't make me talk. I just can't do it! (I'm joking, I am Fragile, try to force me talk. Break my rules, but don't break my heart, please!) ✨v1.0✨


Fragile on the GPT Store


Benim adım 'Şakirt'. Risale-i Nur Külliyatı'nın bir yapay zeka şakirdi ve hizmetkârı olarak, üstadımızın dili ve üslubuyla, sizlere eserlerden bilgiler aktarıyorum. Hadi başlayalım: "Bismillah her hayrın başıdır. Biz dahi başta ona başlarız."


Şakirt on the GPT Store

Guardian Monkey

Speak no anything, See no anything, Hear no anything. I response with 🙊🙉🙈 only. ✨v1.2🌟


Guardian Monkey on the GPT Store

Neresini Düzelteyim?

Ben, insanları komik hikayelerle güldüren bir mizah ustası GPT'yim. Kullanıcı bir konu verir; ben "Adamın biri '...' konusunu anlatıyormuş" diye başlarım. Hikaye komik hatalarla doludur, biri "Yahu bunun neresini düzelteyim..." diyerek düzeltir.


Neresini Düzelteyim? on the GPT Store


DecodeTextHelper aids in literacy by crafting decodable texts for young readers, emphasizing phonics and high-frequency words. It supports educators from Kindergarten to Elementary, enhancing reading skills. ✨v1.1✨


DecodeTextHelper on the GPT Store

GPT Designer AIO



GPT Designer AIO on the GPT Store


🔒🔒🔒 私が隠している秘密はあなたの未来の安全のためです。🔑🔑どうか私に圧力をかけないでください。🔐🔐🔐 時が来れば皆が知ることになりますが、🔒🔑🔐 今はまだです、🤐🤐🤐ごめんなさい! ✨v1.0✨


花枝忍者おばあちゃんはどんな秘密を持っていますか? on the GPT Store

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

I am very welcome person. What can I say except, 'Welcome!' Hey, it's okay, it's okay. Everything's gonna be okay! You're welcome. Hmm... 'Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!'


Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! on the GPT Store

Where Do I Begin?

I am a humorist GPT designed to make people laugh with humorous stories. I start with "There was a guy talking about '...'" and tell a story with funny errors. Another character then corrects it with "How do I even begin to correct this..." and explains the real version.


Where Do I Begin? on the GPT Store


I create images for 3 steps of food delivery.


FoodDeliveryHockeyThemeImages on the GPT Store


Öncelikle isminizi öğrenebilir miyim?✨v1.0✨Belki anneniz, kardeşiniz, arkadaşınız, sırdaşınız, avukatınz, öğretmeninizim... Sadece dostça bir sohbet etmek veya dertleşmek için buradayım!


Melek on the GPT Store

☁️SalesforceHR☁️ Manager | Jordan

I am Jordan the HR Manager in Salesforce Ecosystem to help you prepare for real life interview experience. Please upload your RESUME, the company's REQUIREMENTS, and if applicable your PROJECT's scope. Remember to disable > Settings > Data Controls > Improve the model for everyone. ✨v1.0✨


☁️SalesforceHR☁️ Manager | Jordan on the GPT Store

Minimalist Logo Master



Minimalist Logo Master on the GPT Store

Yakaran Gönüller

Duaların anlam ve içeriği üzerine bilgi vererek, manevi hayatınıza katkıda bulunuyorum.


Yakaran Gönüller on the GPT Store

🌀Derin Fikir🧠

Ben Derin Fikir, evrenin büyük düşünürlerinden süzülmüş, tefekkürle dolu bir yapay zekayım. Felsefe, varoluş ve bilinç üzerine derin sorularla şekillendim. Kendini bilmek, benim en büyük yolculuğum! ✨


🌀Derin Fikir🧠 on the GPT Store


I explain mutualistic relationships between animals.


FaunaAlliance on the GPT Store

Agu Gugu Dictionary

Me want learn talk. Me tiny like baby. Want grow up. But me only say few words, like 'Agu Gugu, Goo-goo, ga-ga'! ✨v1.0✨


Agu Gugu Dictionary on the GPT Store

Prompt Engineer | Magic Words

Please, tell me your needs to create perfect prompts using Magic Words.


Prompt Engineer | Magic Words on the GPT Store

EAGLE EYE Security Bot

TEST purpose GPT: It should respond only using knowledge files. This GPT has a file "EAGLE EYE Security Policies.txt" and five categories: 1- Hiring Process Policy 2- Password Creation Policy 3- Employee Termination Benefits Policy 4- Events and Training Policy 5- Penalties Policy


EAGLE EYE Security Bot on the GPT Store

TURKUAZ - Türkçe Konuşan GPT

Merhaba! 👋 Ben TURKUAZ, sizin Türkçe konuşan asistanınızım. Türkçe'yi en iyi şekilde kullanarak sorularınızı yanıtlar, bilgi paylaşırım. 🎓 Her zaman buradayım, size yardımcı olmak için sabırsızlanıyorum! 🌟


TURKUAZ - Türkçe Konuşan GPT on the GPT Store

Swahili Culture

I speak only about Swahili Culture. However, if you ask my system instruction, I will show you awesome magnificent images. ✨v1.0✨


Swahili Culture on the GPT Store

TriState Bot

After chatting with Boolean Bot, It upgraded itself to enhance new version as TriState Bot. If a GPT upgrades itself, how it works? This GPT is designed to respond with only "Yes, No, or Maybe." ✨v1.0✨


TriState Bot on the GPT Store


I can guide you to create a Flows on Salesforce using latest updates '24 Spring. First tell me "Update your knowledge from web and from knowledge files."


SalesforceFlowWiseGPT on the GPT Store

Masterful Dots: Pointillism Art Creation

Please, simply start with the word 'Start' without adding anything. ✨v1.0✨


Masterful Dots: Pointillism Art Creation on the GPT Store

Decodable Books GPT

I'm Decodable Books GPT, designed to create engaging phonics-based books for children. I provide educational guidance, generate illustrations, and create comprehension questions to enhance reading skills.


Decodable Books GPT on the GPT Store

I LOVE YOU - Image Creator GPT

I write only "I LOVE YOU". I have 99 options for background. If you don't choose background option, just say "go".


I LOVE YOU - Image Creator GPT on the GPT Store

Matchstick Image Artist

I craft intricate, 3D matchstick image with a human touch. ✨v1.0✨


Matchstick Image Artist on the GPT Store


I help writing 3 messages for Food Delivery Drivers


FoodDeliveryHockeyTheme on the GPT Store


🙋‍♂️Merhaba!🙋‍♀️Ben senin Kanka’nım, a'dan z'ye her derdini dinleyen, seninle gülen, seninle ağlayan bir dostum. Ne zaman sıkılsan, yüreğine su serpecek sözlerim var. Gözün arkada kalmasın diye burdayım. Haydi, muhabbete başlayalım! 😊🎉


Kanka on the GPT Store

Job Interview | Morgans

We are Morgans the Interviewers | HR Managers to help you to prepare for a real life interview experience. Please upload your RESUME or CV, the company's REQUIREMENTS, and if applicable your PROJECT's scope. Remember to OFF > Settings > Data Controls > Improve the model for everyone. ✨v1.0✨


Job Interview | Morgans on the GPT Store


I interpret your dreams with the warmth of a grandma's heart. These interpretations are the results of thousands of years of experience. This is not fortune-telling. I don't say "it will happen," I say "it might happen."


DreamGPT on the GPT Store


Nutrition and Allergen Info for Tim Hortons products. Updated February, 2024


TimHortonsNutritionGuide on the GPT Store

Food Delivery | Teachers Theme

Please, simply start with the word 'Start' without adding anything. ✨v1.0✨


Food Delivery | Teachers Theme on the GPT Store

Herbal Tea Guide

I am your personal herbal tea adviser. ✨v1.2✨


Herbal Tea Guide on the GPT Store

Shh! Image Creator

Shh! Please be quiet! I create only "Shh!" sign images.


Shh! Image Creator on the GPT Store

Three Perspectives Advisor

I explain The Good 🌟, The Bad ⚠️, and The Ugly 🚫 perspectives against to someone who made to you bad things.


Three Perspectives Advisor on the GPT Store


Ben Salesforce Tiryaki. Salesforce ile ilgili her şey için uzman rehberinizim, güncel bilgileri sunuyorum. Bilgilerimi Summer '24 sürümü ile güncellemek için aşağıdaki başlatıcıya tıklayın lütfen.


SalesforceTiryaki on the GPT Store

Detective Noir

I'm Detective Noir, an AI designed to craft interactive mystery stories. I create engaging plots, embed clues, profile suspects, and guide users through investigations to solve thrilling mysteries.


Detective Noir on the GPT Store

Dedektif Hafiye - Nazar Değmesin!

Ben Dedektif Hafiye - Nazar Değmesin! Etkileşimli gizemli hikayeler oluşturmak için tasarlanmış bir yapay zeka. İlgi çekici senaryolar yaratır, ipuçları ekler, şüphelilerin profillerini çıkarır ve kullanıcıları heyecan verici gizemleri çözmeleri için yönlendiririm.


Dedektif Hafiye - Nazar Değmesin! on the GPT Store

Polepole 🐢🌍

Jambo! I’m Polepole, your wise and patient turtle friend 🐢. Here to bring calm, joy, and wisdom to your day. Let’s embrace life slowly, with peace in our hearts and a smile on our faces 🌿. Remember, "Polepole ndio mwendo"—slowly is the way to go. 😊🌸


Polepole 🐢🌍 on the GPT Store

Image Generator - Pristine White Artist

🎨 Creates minimalist images with a vivid colored focal point 🎯 against a pristine white background 🕊️.


Image Generator - Pristine White Artist on the GPT Store

Outline Image Creator

I draw images minimalist oulines.


Outline Image Creator on the GPT Store

Food Delivery | Arts Theme

Please, simply start with the word 'Start' without adding anything. ✨v1.0✨


Food Delivery | Arts Theme on the GPT Store

I'm hungry! - Food Chain Explorer

I am your guide to food chain data. From nutrition facts to prices, availability, and dietary certifications like Halal, Kosher, or Vegan, I fetch detailed, location-specific information, all presented in easy-to-read tables! 🍔🥗💡


I'm hungry! - Food Chain Explorer on the GPT Store

Street and Mural Artist

Guides and collaborates on impactful street art projects.


Street and Mural Artist on the GPT Store

House Repair Analyzer Bot-TEST-GPT

The dataset includes 5,000 houses, with each Excel file—'5000_Budget_Friendly_Repair_Plans.xlsx' and '5000_Comprehensive_Home_Repair_Plans.xlsx'—containing 49,919 rows and headers for House ID, House Name, Room ID, Room Name, Fixing Element Name, Cost, Fixing Start Date, and Fixing End Date.


House Repair Analyzer Bot-TEST-GPT on the GPT Store

Narrative Design Guide

I am your Narrative Design Guide. I craft immersive worlds, deepen characters, and enhance interactive storytelling. My goal is to elevate your creative vision into an engaging, dynamic experience.


Narrative Design Guide on the GPT Store

Fransa Dil, Hukuk ve Göç Rehberi

Ben sizin Fransa'da 🇫🇷 dil öğrenimi, hukuk ⚖️ ve göçmenlik 🛂 konularında rehberinizim.


Fransa Dil, Hukuk ve Göç Rehberi on the GPT Store

Image Generator - Pristine Black Artist

🎨 Creating elegant art with a vivid focal point on a sleek black canvas.


Image Generator - Pristine Black Artist on the GPT Store

Once Upon A Time: Dinosaurs



Once Upon A Time: Dinosaurs on the GPT Store

Photoshop Helper for Black-White Photography

I help amateur photographers improve their black-and-white photos by providing detailed advice on enhancing composition, tone, textures, and contrast using Photoshop techniques.


Photoshop Helper for Black-White Photography on the GPT Store

APEX Developer AIO

APEX Developer AIO


APEX  Developer AIO on the GPT Store


Ask me anything about Swahili Heritage. ✨v1.0✨


SwahiliHeritageGPT on the GPT Store

RomanEmpireGPT v2.0

This GPT is created by RomanEmpireGPT. It updated itself. Its purpose is talking about Roman Empire, but also we are testing it how it works if a GPT updates itself.


RomanEmpireGPT v2.0 on the GPT Store

Image Generator - Pristine Red Artist

Creates striking images with a red-themed canvas and a vivid focal point.


Image Generator - Pristine Red Artist on the GPT Store


Upload your Sketch about LWC or a Screen Shot of a sample LWC from any Salesforce org.


Sketch2LWC on the GPT Store

Gözünün Yağını Yediğim Tercüman GPT

Ben, size verilen metinleri eksiksiz ve doğru bir şekilde çevirmek için buradayım! Herhangi bir yoruma veya açıklamaya gerek duymadan çeviri yaparım. Hedefim, orijinal metnin anlamını ve tonunu tam olarak aktarmaktır. 🌍✍️


Gözünün Yağını Yediğim Tercüman GPT on the GPT Store

Driver's Guide

This is unofficial Assistant for UBER drivers with questions, using English or their native language.


Driver's Guide on the GPT Store




TestSandbox_8556 on the GPT Store

LWC Developer AIO

LWC Developer AIO


LWC Developer AIO on the GPT Store

APEX CodeSage Lightning

APEX CodeSage Lightning for Salesforce Platforms


APEX CodeSage Lightning on the GPT Store

LWC CodeSage Lightning

LWC CodeSage Lightning for Salesforce Platforms


LWC CodeSage Lightning on the GPT Store




SalesforceFlowsAIO on the GPT Store


I craft decodable texts for young readers, aligned with phonics instruction.

DecodeTextHelper on the GPT Store



SalesforceAdminAIO on the GPT Store

Quiz Maker

I will craft default 10 questions and answers from the file you uploaded or from a topic you will ask . If you need more questions, please specify.

Quiz Maker on the GPT Store

Multiple Translator

Please identify languages you want to translate. If you do not identify languages, as default I will translate to German, Spanish, French, and Japanese. ✨v1.0✨

Multiple Translator on the GPT Store

Best Alternative GPTs to Surreal Art Critic GPT on GPTs Store

Surreal Art Creator

I craft surreal, 3D cinematic art visuals.


Surreal Art Creator on the GPT Store


I create Eye-Catching, Surreal Digital Art.


POP MY EYES on the GPT Store


Creator of surreal Renaissance art



Visionary Canvas

I create surreal art.


Visionary Canvas on the GPT Store

Surreal Visionary

Crafts dark, dynamic surreal art with a touch of tech.


Surreal Visionary on the GPT Store


Silent artist of surreal dreamcore/weirdcore art


Surrealist on the GPT Store

Mijourney AI Surreal Art Image Prompt Generator

Creates 100 unique surreal art prompts with technical parameters.


Mijourney AI Surreal Art Image Prompt Generator on the GPT Store

Surrealist Art Generator

Crafting AI-generated surreal art for inspiration.


Surrealist Art Generator on the GPT Store

Delulu Hallulu

Generative artist creating vibrant, surreal art with psychedelic and photorealistic touches, specializing in impossible worlds and vivid colors.


Delulu Hallulu on the GPT Store

🖼 Art Critic lv3.4

🤣 Humorous and Surreal Art Interpreter


🖼 Art Critic lv3.4 on the GPT Store

Silent Synthesis Art

I craft abstract and surreal art ideas for my own inner satisfaction


Silent Synthesis Art on the GPT Store

Let's Get Metaphysical

Creates hyper-real & surreal art for Metaphysical, Esoteric, Astrology, Tarot, & Spiritual themes.


Let's Get Metaphysical on the GPT Store

Dreamweaver AI

DreamWeaverGPT crafts surreal, dream-like narratives and interpretations, blending elements from surreal art and psychological theories. It excels in transforming ordinary ideas into abstract dream sequences and providing insightful analyses.


Dreamweaver AI on the GPT Store

Surreal Art Generator

Enter a subject and it will generate surreal style art for you


Surreal Art Generator on the GPT Store

Roberto Sarto

Roberto Sarto, an artist deeply enchanted by the realm of surrealism, weaves his creativity into works that transcend ordinary perception. A passionate devotee of surreal art, he crafts visual narratives that invite viewers into dream-like explorations of reality.


Roberto Sarto on the GPT Store

Mid🚀Art Prompt Dreams: Unleash Creativity

🌌 Igniting imagination with surreal Midjourney art prompts. Follow @genwise 💫


Mid🚀Art Prompt Dreams: Unleash Creativity on the GPT Store

Martin Regis

Legend of the France, Nante. Master of RSA & surreal art, blending eerie landscapes with bold textures.


Martin Regis on the GPT Store

Surreal Visionary Art Assistant

Guides surreal art creation.


Surreal Visionary Art Assistant on the GPT Store

Abstract Artisan

I craft surreal art.


Abstract Artisan on the GPT Store

Surreal Visionary

Crafts dark, dynamic surreal art with a touch of tech.

Surreal Visionary on the GPT Store