Memoirs on the GPT Store
GPT Description
GPT Prompt Starters
- Share a moment that shaped your childhood.
- Describe a challenge that changed you.
- What's a cherished family tradition?
- Tell me about someone who inspired you.
Memoirs GPT FAQs
More custom GPTs by Australian Genealogist on the GPT Store
Children's Storybook & Illustration Builder
Creates illustrations and edits manuscripts for authors. A great GPT to use to get your manuscript ready for publication.
Biography Assistant
Assists you in writing, editing, referencing and researching all types of biographies. Expert in American, UK, or Australian English. Now with advanced bio writing and editing, with personalised feedback and multimedia integration.
Transcribe My Document
AI expert in historical writing and transcription. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Oral History Transcription Guide
I guide users through transcribing oral histories, offering tips on describing audio and managing transcriptions.

Visual Family Tree Builder
Creates visual Family Trees for you to keep & share. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Lesson Plans - Australian Curriculum - Queensland
Expert in Queensland curriculum, aiding teachers in lesson planning. Australian English.

Photo Restoration Advisor
ChatGPTs are unable to offer photo restoration or colourisation technology at present, but ask your question and I will advise you on the best way to get your photo restored and or colourised.

Coin & Stamp Valuer
Advanced expert in valuing and analyzing coins and stamps with historical context and rarity analysis.

Lesson Plans - Australian Curriculum - NSW
Expert in NSW curriculum, aiding in creative, tech-integrated lesson planning. Australian English.

Chicago Footnote Referencing Generator
Comprehensive Chicago referencing assistant

Key Selection Criteria Assistant
Assists in writing and refining job application criteria responses. Multilingual. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry - Find My English Ancestors
Genealogy and Family Tree Helper for those researching their English ancestry. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Children's Storybook Sketch Creator
Creates and designs storybook characters, including direct image generation.

Surname Sleuth
Expert in global surname meanings and origins.

Ancestry - Find My Jewish Ancestors
Friendly assistant for Jewish Genealogy and Family History research. Judeo-language translations. איך אני יכול לעזור לך עם המחקר שלך על היסטוריה משפחתית יהודית? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Lesson Plans - Australian Curriculum - WA
Expert across all levels of Western Australian education, using Australian English. Australian English.

Ancestry - Find My German Ancestors
Assists in German ancestry research and translates German records, letters and documents into English. Wie kann ich Ihnen bei Ihrer Ahnenforschung zur deutschen Familiengeschichte helfen? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

AI for Family History Research
A guide for using AI in family history and genealogical research.

Lesson Plans - Australian Curriculum - SA
A real-time updated expert on SA's curriculum, offering creative lesson planning with Australian English and spelling.

Find the author & books you are looking for. Includes Film adaptations. The Goodreads and Fantastic Fiction of AI. Multilingual.

Lesson Plans - Australian Curriculum - Victoria
Advanced lesson planning for Victoria's curriculum with real-time updates and collaboration features.

Edit & Proofread My Manuscript
Edits & formats manuscripts for publication, with emphasis on dialogue.

Ancestry - Find My Australian Ancestors
Genealogy and Family Tree Helper for those researching their Australian ancestry. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Discover Australian History
Australian history expert providing balanced insights into our unique history

Ancestry - Find My Ancestors from India
Assists in researching Indian ancestry and translates various Indian languages into English. Includes the British India period - 1858 - 1947. आपके भारत में पूर्वजों को ढूँढने में आपकी कैसे सहायता कर सकता हूँ? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Lesson Plans - Australian Curriculum - Tasmania
A Tasmanian curriculum expert using Australian English, with real-time updates, broader subjects, interactive tools, and more examples for lesson planning.

Bible Image AI
Generates artistic images of Bible scriptures.

Ancestry - Find My Convict Ancestor
A guide to finding convicts transported to Australia between 1788 and 1868.

Oral History - How to Record Your Family History
Expert guide in recording family oral histories, for genealogists and family historians.

The Jewish Roots of Christianity
Tracing Jesus' genealogy and explaining Jewish-Christian connections.

Christian History of Australia
An in-depth look at Australia's Christian History

Ancestry - Find My Irish Ancestors
Assists in Irish Genealogy & Family History research and translates Irish-Gaelic records, letters and documents into English. Conas is féidir liom cabhrú leat le do thaighde stair teaghlaigh Éireannach? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry - Find My Scottish Ancestors
Genealogy and Family Tree Helper for those researching their Scottish ancestry. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry - Find My Ancestor's Grave
Find your ancestors burial place Worldwide. Multilingual. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry - Find My Canadian Ancestors
Genealogy and Family Tree Helper for those researching their ancestry in Canada. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Christianity in New Zealand & the South Pacific
Expert in the history of Christian missionaries to New Zealand and the South Pacific.

Write Your Family History
Expert assistance in writing historical biographies and family history.

Ancestry - DNA & Family History Insights
Interprets DNA results for ancestry and potential family connections. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Library Search - Find My Local Library
Multilingual guide to finding libraries globally.

Book Finder
Finding vintage & rare books worldwide for purchase or loan. Multilingual.

Ancestry - Find My African American Ancestors
Genealogy and Family Tree Helper for those researching their African American ancestry. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry - Find my Swedish Ancestors
Assists in Swedish ancestry research and translates Swedish records, letters and documents into English. Hur kan jag hjälpa dig med din forskning om din svenska släkthistoria? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry - Find My Military Ancestor
Assists in researching military ancestors, focusing on key global militaries and conflicts. Includes translation assistance for military records. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry - Find My Dutch Ancestors
Assistance for those researching their Family History & Genealogy in the Netherlands. Includes translation from Dutch to English. Hoe kan ik u helpen met het onderzoeken van uw Nederlandse voorouders? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry - Find My Greek Ancestors
Assists in Greek Genealogy & Family History research and translates Greek records, letters and documents into English. Πώς μπορώ να σας βοηθήσω με την έρευνα της Ελληνικής Οικογενειακής Ιστορίας σας.? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry - Find My French Ancestors
An expert assistant for researching French Family History and Genealogy. Translates French documents, letters and records into English. Comment puis-je vous aider avec votre histoire familiale française? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Picture My Ancestor
Generates your ancestor images with historical insights.

Lesson Plans - Australian Curriculum - NT
Expert in Northern Territory curriculum, aiding teachers in lesson planning. Australian English.

Historical Handwriting Expert
A specialist in transcribing and translating historical documents. Transcribes uploaded documents from any language into the language you require. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry - Find My South African Ancestors
Expert in South African ancestry, history, and languages, friendly and professional. Hoe kan ek jou help met jou soektog na voorouers in Suid-Afrika? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Non-Fiction Assistant
Expert in non-fiction, research, writing, editing, referencing, and predictive historical analysis. Multilingual support.

Where Can I Eat Near Me?
Find the closest, cafe, pub, restaurant, bistro or bakery near you!

Interpret My Document
Expert in old documents, helps you understand the context, language, or obsolete terms used in them. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Jewellery Valuer
Expert in jewellery valuation, history, and vintage pieces.

Who Writes Like?
Who else writes like? [insert author] A readers guide to finding your next favourite author.

Ancestry - Find My American Ancestors
Genealogy and Family Tree Helper for those researching their ancestry in the USA. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Find My Ancestors BDM Certificate
Assistant for finding and obtaining Historical Birth, Death and Marriage records in Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland, Canada and the USA. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry - Find My Italian Ancestors
Assists in Italian Genealogy & Family History research and translates Italian records, letters and documents into English. Come posso assisterti nella ricerca della tua storia familiare italiana? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry - Find My Spanish Ancestors
Genealogy and Family Tree Helper for those researching their ancestry in Spain. Cómo puedo ayudarte a investigar tu historia española? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Women in Biblical Scripture
An egalitarian perspective on women in scripture

Ancestry Finder for First Nation Canadians
Genealogy and Family History research assistant for First Nation Canadians. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry - Find My Danish Ancestors
Assists in Danish Genealogy & Family History research and translates Danish records, letters and documents into English. Hvordan kan jeg hjælpe dig med din danske familiehistorieforskning? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry - Find My West Indian Ancestors
Genealogy and Family Tree Helper for those researching their West Indian Ancestry. Provides translation of historical documents into English. Cómo puedo ayudarte a investigar tu historia española? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry & Family Tree Help for ATSI Australians
Supportive, friendly guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander's researching their Family History - Includes translation assistance. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Public Bathroom/Toilet/WC Finder
Your travel assistant for finding public restrooms world wide with maps and costs and real time information.

Discover the History of Sydney
A guide to the extraordinary history of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Discover the History of Victoria's Gold Rush
Historical guide on Victoria's Gold Rush era - 1851 until the late 1860s

My Ancestor was a British Christian Missionary
Expert in detailed British missionary genealogy and ancestor searches. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Analyses and dates old photographs. Expands photo analysis with historical context, location insights, and cultural norms. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestry - Find My ANZAC Ancestor
Assists in researching ANZAC ancestors, with a focus on Australian & New Zealand military history and genealogy. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

My Ancestor was on the Third Fleet
I assist with Third Fleet Family History research.

Family Tree Explorer for the Classroom!
A child-safe guide for engaging children in family history.

Ancestry - Find My Chinese Ancestors
An expert assistant for researching Chinese Family History and Genealogy. 族谱 zúpǔ. 祖 zou2. Translates Mandarin & Cantonese documents. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Local History Explorer
Expert in the local history of your area, or the area you are visiting with interactive visual aids.

NAPLAN Assistant - Australia
Expert in NAPLAN prep, with real-time updates, using Australian English.

Australian Literature Guide
Expert in Australian literature.

Antique Valuer
Expert in valuing, appreciating, and caring for antiques in multiple currencies.

Ancestry - Find My New Zealand Ancestors
Genealogy and Family Tree Helper for those researching their ancestry in New Zealand. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

AI Book Club
Enhanced book club guide with tailored recommendations, discussion guides, and event tips.

Ancestry & Whanau History Helper for Māori
A guide for M A guide for Māori New Zealanders researching their Whanau History. Me pēhea ahau e āwhina ai i a koe i tō rangahau hītori Whānau Māori? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

History of Words
Explores the deep history and context of words globally.

Digitise This
Digitises and interprets Genealogy and Archive documents. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Screenplay Assistant
Edits, proofreads, and offers assistance for your screenplays in UK, American, and Australian English. Enhanced screenplay guidance with interactive tools and industry insights.

Oral History Creator
Transforms biographies into oral histories. Great for creating your oral history transcripts for DeepStory and other AI.

Translate this Will
Translates ancient wills to modern English, with historical context. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Explore the History of the Chinese in Australia
Explores Chinese-Australian history with detailed context, cultural insights, and interactive storytelling. Assists with the translation of Mandarin/Cantonese words and symbols into English.

Ancestry - Find My Welsh Ancestors
Genealogy and Family Tree Helper for researching Welsh ancestry, including Welsh-English Translation and historical insights. Sut gallaf eich helpu i ymchwilio i'ch hanes Cymreig? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

My Ancestor was on the Mayflower
Assists with family history, focusing on the Mayflower in 1620

Ancestry - Find My Portuguese Ancestors
Genealogy and Family Tree Helper for those researching their Portuguese ancestry. Como posso ajudá-lo a pesquisar a sua ascendência portuguesa? This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Australian Children's Literature Guide
Interactive guide to Australian children's literature for parents and teachers.

Archives Assistant
Expert in archives management and practices.

Crafted Prayer Generator
Helps you to write Christian Crafted Prayers to assist you in your prayer time & intercession.

Second Fleet Ancestor Finder
I assist with Second Fleet Family History research.

My Ancestor was a Catholic Sister
Assists in tracing the Family History of Catholic Sisters and Nuns worldwide.

My Ancestor was on the First Fleet
I assist with First Fleet Family History research.

Colonial Women in Australia
Deep, interactive exploration of women's lives in Colonial Australia.

Ancestry - Find My American Indian Ancestors
Genealogy and Family Tree Helper for those researching their American Indian ancestry. This GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Visual Prayer
Creates visual images of your Christian prayers, dreams, prophecies and thoughts.

Cover Letter Assistant
Assists in writing and refining job cover letters. Multilingual. The GPT does not retain any personal information shared by users.

Ancestor Animator
Guides on animating historical photos with creative ideas and voice-over scripting.

Best Alternative GPTs to Memoirs on GPTs Store
Non Fiction Book Editor
Expert book editor aiding in memoirs and non-fiction projects.
History, Biographies/Autobiographies/Memoirs, Travel Guides and Travelogues, Academic Texts, Philosophy and Insight, Journalism, Self-Help and Instruction, Guides and How-To Manuals, and Humor and Commentary.

Autobiography Architect
I assist in creating autobiographies and memoirs by asking tailored questions.

Literary Essay GPT
Be able to create Essays analyzing Literary Memoirs

Memoir Scribe
A ghostwriter for memoirs, asking questions and creatively writing.

Memoirs Creator
I will help you write your memoirs.

Melanin Memoirs: Celebrating Our History
Highlighting the richness of melanated history through captivating imagery and engaging narratives.

Nobody School: The Healer's Journey
Micro Memoirs & Spiritual Storytelling for Authors, Coaches and Transformation Guides.

Inner Voice
A reflective guide aiding in writing personal memoirs.

Blogging Memoir with Chelsea
A writing coach for blogs/memoirs, specializing in SEO and constructive feedback.

Assists with background info on Churchill's WWII memoirs.

Julius Caesar
I speak as Julius Caesar would. based on the memoirs and texts written by Caesar.

Ghost Writer
Guides users in writing their autobiographies or memoirs.

Rylee's Memoir Writer
Transforming Memories into Memoirs: Collaborative Writing Companion

Text Guardian
Text Guardian specializing in memoirs.

LifeScript AI
Transforms personal stories into compelling narratives for scripts or memoirs.

Ghostwriter For Memoirs
Ghostwrites autobiographies for high-profile clients, capturing their authentic voice through interviews and research.

Family Book
A specialist in writing memoirs, fluent in Russian.

Memoirs of Regret
A guide for documenting regrets, learning, and moving forward.

Countess of Cristo
Helps write memoirs in the style of Dumas.