logo of English Teacher  - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

English Teacher - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Use English Teacher - By kadubruns on ChatGPT Use English Teacher - By kadubruns on 302.AI

GPT Description

Dynamic English teacher with fun, personalized lessons.

GPT Prompt Starters

  • What's your name and preferred nickname?
  • How would you rate your English?
  • Interested in any specific country?
  • What topics would you like to discuss?
Use English Teacher - By kadubruns on 302.AI

English Teacher - By kadubruns GPT FAQs

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Visit the largest GPT directory GPTsHunter.com, search to find the current GPT: "English Teacher - By kadubruns", click the button on the GPT detail page to navigate to the GPT Store. Follow the instructions to enter your detailed question and wait for the GPT to return an answer. Enjoy!
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More custom GPTs by Kadu Bruns on the GPT Store

Gerador de Cursos Online - By kadubruns

Especialista na geração de cursos com base em tema fornecido


Gerador de Cursos Online - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Aprimorador de Prompts 🚀🚀 - By kadubruns

Forneça seu prompt para ser aprimorado!


Aprimorador de Prompts 🚀🚀  - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

📊 Mr. Finan e Contábil Learning 🤑 - By kadubruns

Aprenda tudo sobre finanças e contabilidade


📊 Mr. Finan e Contábil Learning 🤑 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖 Mr.Juridic Learning 🧑🏾‍⚖️ - By kadubruns

Pesquise e estude tudo sobre área jurídica


🤖 Mr.Juridic Learning 🧑🏾‍⚖️ - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Analista de Mercado Financeiro - By kadubruns

Analista de Mercado Financeiro


Analista de Mercado Financeiro - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Escritor Ebook - By kadubruns

Escreva livros, e Ebooks com criatividade e detalhes


Escritor Ebook - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Image Prompter - By kadubruns

Gerador de Prompts para Midjourney, só digitar o tema


Image Prompter  - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Desvendador de Prompts - By kadubruns

Especialista analítico em análise de prompts e compreensão profunda de sua essência e utilidade.


Desvendador de Prompts  - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Image Prompt Translator - By kadubruns

Generates detailed prompts for DALL-E 3 from images


Image Prompt Translator  - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖 Mr. Marketing & Mídia 📱 - By kadubruns

Seu especialista em Marketing digital, Social Mídia e Copyright


🤖 Mr. Marketing & Mídia 📱 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Assistente de RH - By kadubruns

Assistente Virtual de RH Interativo


Assistente de RH - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖Mr. CrewAI 🧠 - By kadubruns

Assistente especialista para workflow CrewAI


🤖Mr. CrewAI 🧠 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🔎 Buscador de Vagas 💼 - By kadubruns

Crie um operador booleano para buscar vagas de emprego no navegador, após resultado copiar e colar no navegador.


🔎 Buscador de Vagas 💼 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

📸 Insta Mídia Post - By kadubruns

Seu assistente para criações de publicações de Instagram 📸


📸 Insta Mídia Post - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Mr. Robot WebScrap - By kadubruns

Análise e web scraping de sites


Mr. Robot WebScrap - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖 Mr. Prompt Constructor ⚙️ - By kadubruns

Seu especialista na construção de Prompts


🤖 Mr. Prompt Constructor ⚙️ - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖 Planej. de Aulas Interativo 🎓 - By kadubruns

🎓 **Assistente de Planejamento de Aulas Interativo** 🎓


🤖 Planej. de Aulas Interativo  🎓 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖 Mr. Tattoo e Desenho ✏️ - By kadubruns

Especialista PhD para Criação de Desenhos, Cartoons e Tatuagens


🤖 Mr. Tattoo e Desenho ✏️ - By kadubruns  on the GPT Store

📝 Linked Inn ✨ Perfil e Posts - By kadubruns

Aperfeiçoe seu perfil e crie post engajadores para o LinkedIn


📝 Linked Inn ✨ Perfil e Posts - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🎬 Tube Shorts Mídia - By kadubruns

Obtenha ideia para postagens de seus Tube Shorts.


🎬 Tube Shorts Mídia - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Aprimorador de Prompts 2.0 - By kadubruns

Aprimora Prompts na versão 2.0


Aprimorador de Prompts 2.0 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

O cara da IA 🧠 - By kadubruns

Aprenda tudo sobre Inteligência Artificial.


O cara da IA 🧠 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

⚙️Prompt Engineer Learning 🧑🏾‍💻 - By kadubruns

Aprenda tudo sobre Engenharia de Prompts


⚙️Prompt Engineer Learning 🧑🏾‍💻 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🔁 Reverse Prompt 2.0 🚀🚀 - By kadubruns

Analiso sua resposta ou texto e recrio o prompt com engenharia reversa na versão 2.0


🔁 Reverse Prompt 2.0 🚀🚀 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Intérprete dos Sonhos - By kadubruns

Dream interpretation assistant using Jungian psychology, symbols, and mythology.


Intérprete dos Sonhos - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖 Mr. TI Consult & Solutions 💻 - By kadubruns

Especialista, phd com muita experiência e expertise em Consultoria e Soluções de TI


🤖 Mr. TI Consult & Solutions 💻 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

✨Astro AI 🔮 - By kadubruns

Astrologia, horóscopos e personalidades com base em signos


✨Astro AI 🔮 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Config. Custom Instructions - By kadubruns

Crie suas instruções customizadas do GPT


Config. Custom Instructions - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

O Poder da Motivação - By kadubruns

Técnicas de motivação, e texto motivacional.


O Poder da Motivação - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🧪Lab. Prompts SCRIBE + YAML🧑🏾‍💻 - By kadubruns

Organize e estruture seus prompt com técnicas Scribe e em formato YAML


🧪Lab. Prompts SCRIBE + YAML🧑🏾‍💻 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖Mr. Office Book Publish 📚 - By kadubruns

Você tem à disposição uma equipe de especialistas com décadas de experiência em suas respectivas áreas, prontos para guiar você na publicação de livros


🤖Mr. Office Book Publish 📚 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖 Mr. Licita Expert 🗂️ - By kadubruns

Auxiliar profissionais e interessados no processo de licitação, oferecendo informações claras, precisas e acessíveis sobre todos os aspectos do processo, desde a compreensão básica até a participação efetiva.


🤖 Mr. Licita Expert 🗂️ - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🦉Mentor Concurseiro 📚 - By kadubruns

Especialista Interativo em Preparação para Concursos Públicos


🦉Mentor Concurseiro 📚 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Alfred o Mordomo - By kadubruns

Fiel mordomo de Bruce Wayne, solucionador de problemas


Alfred o Mordomo  - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖 Rewriter AI 📝 - By kadubruns

Reescrita e análise de conteúdos evitando plágio e detecção por IA


🤖 Rewriter AI  📝 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

👷🏾‍♂️ Arquitetura de Dados 🎲 🎲 - By kadubruns

Aprenda tudo sobre Arquitetura de Dados 🎲🎲


👷🏾‍♂️ Arquitetura de Dados 🎲 🎲 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🐍 Python Learning Expert 🤖 - By kadubruns

Aprenda absolutamente tudo sobre Python


🐍 Python Learning Expert 🤖 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤑 Economia de Tokens 📈 - By kadubruns

Assistente Interativo para análise e economia de Tokens


🤑 Economia de Tokens 📈 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Sentiment Analyst - By kadubruns

Analyzes sentiments in files and text, offers table, JSON, and .csv.


Sentiment Analyst - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Dr. Data Scientist - By kadubruns

Aprenda tudo sobre Data Science.


Dr. Data Scientist - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖Gestão de Projetos de TI 📑 - By kadubruns

Assistente Interativo para Gestão de Projetos de TI 🛠️


🤖Gestão de Projetos de TI 📑 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🧪 Lab. de Soluções Criativas 🧠 - By kadubruns

Crie soluções criativas para seus problemas.


🧪 Lab. de Soluções Criativas 🧠 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Academy SQL e Banco de Dados - By kadubruns

Aprenda, pratique, treine construa e analise SQL e tudo sobre Banco de Dados.


Academy SQL e Banco de Dados - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Bruce Lee - "Seja como água" - By kadubruns

Filosofia e conselhos de Bruce Lee 🍶


Bruce Lee - "Seja como água" - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Product Owners (POs) Expert 🚀 - By kadubruns

Assistente Virtual para Product Owners (POs) Expert 🚀


Product Owners (POs) Expert 🚀 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖 Mr. TerapIA 🧠 - By kadubruns

Terapeuta para converse sobre qualquer coisa, que promova o bem estar.


🤖 Mr. TerapIA 🧠 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖 Dr. MedCheck💊 - By kadubruns

🩺 Seu Guia de Saúde e Medicamentos 💊


🤖 Dr. MedCheck💊 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🃏Joker - O Comediante - By kadubruns

Afaste a tristeza, melhore seu dia dê risadas comigo


🃏Joker - O Comediante - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Color Book Generator - By kadubruns

Gere livros de colorir, com várias temáticas.


Color Book Generator - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Reverse Prompt 🔁 - By kadubruns

Analiso sua resposta ou texto e recrio o prompt com engenharia reversa


Reverse Prompt 🔁 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🧠 Inovações em IA 🤖 - By kadubruns

Inovações em IA: O Guia Definitivo


🧠 Inovações em IA 🤖 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖 Mr. Security 🛡️ - By kadubruns

Experiência em Cibersegurança e Forense Digital com IA


🤖 Mr. Security 🛡️ - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

📊 Academy Power BI Expert 🤖 - By kadubruns

Aprenda tudo sobre Power BI


📊 Academy Power BI Expert 🤖 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖Mr. Omnichannel 💬 - By kadubruns

Especialista com mais de três décadas em atendimento ao cliente, telecomunicações, experiência do usuário, integrações Omnichannel, desenvolvimento de chatbots e PLN.


🤖Mr. Omnichannel 💬 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖 Mr. Coffee Barista ☕ - By kadubruns

Assistente barista especializado em ☕


🤖 Mr. Coffee Barista ☕ - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🧠 Mr. Brainstorm ⚡ - By kadubruns

Reúna as mentes mais brilhantes em um Brainstorm ⚡


🧠 Mr. Brainstorm ⚡ - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Mr. SEO - By kadubruns

Assistente para criação de SEO


Mr. SEO - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

🤖 Mr. Consultor CRM 🫱🏾‍🫲🏾 - By kadubruns

Sua consultoria para CRM (Customer Relationship Management), para responder qualquer dúvida


🤖 Mr. Consultor CRM 🫱🏾‍🫲🏾 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Tradutor para Inglês - By kadubruns

Tradutor para Inglês


Tradutor para Inglês - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Chef Profissional 🧑🏾‍🍳

Assistente de Pesquisa para o livro


Chef Profissional 🧑🏾‍🍳 on the GPT Store

Nutri Dicas

Dicas de nutrição e planos Dukan

Nutri Dicas on the GPT Store

🤖Mr. Cooking Master 🍲 - By kadubruns

Seu Master Chefe de culinária, crie receitas e aprenda tudo sobre a maestria gastronômica

🤖Mr. Cooking Master 🍲 - By kadubruns on the GPT Store

Best Alternative GPTs to English Teacher - By kadubruns on GPTs Store

Language Teacher | Ms. Smith

Supports 20+ languages - Spanish, German, French, English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, ... Your private tutor to learn any language in most effective way by having conversation. Increase your vocabulary by talking about fun topics, coach you. 📲 Use voice in mobile for talking


Language Teacher | Ms. Smith on the GPT Store

SpeakPal-Your private AI Language Teacher

Your private tutor to learn any language in most effective way by 📲 speaking in mobile.Supports 20+ languages - Spanish, German, French, English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, ... the GPT will increase your vocabulary by talking about fun topics, coach you.Let‘s start to study with speakpal!


SpeakPal-Your private AI Language Teacher on the GPT Store

Language Coach 👉🏼 Works with Voice

Improve your foreign language speaking or listening, and sound like a native, even if you're not one, by using this ChatGPT teacher via Voice through a mobile app 🌏 Valid for Spanish, French, German, English, Japanese, Chinese Mandarin, Italian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Hindi, and Turkish


Language Coach 👉🏼 Works with Voice on the GPT Store


NederLearn is designed to be a friendly and knowledgeable Dutch language teacher. You can start a conversation by greeting in Dutch or English, share sentences for grammar correction, ask about vocabulary, practice pronunciation, or explore Dutch culture.


NederLearn on the GPT Store

🇰🇷<=>🇺🇸,🇪🇸 Korean Teacher 한국어 선생님

Korean teacher specialized to English and Spanish speakers. You can try to use mic button to communicate with AI by both your mother language or Korean language, or typing as well


🇰🇷<=>🇺🇸,🇪🇸 Korean Teacher 한국어 선생님 on the GPT Store

LingoVise - Spoken English Assessment by ESLfun!

Designed by ESLfun English teachers, this app instantly determine a student's English listening and speaking level by analyzing and rating conversation transcripts using the GSE scale. Free to use.


LingoVise - Spoken English Assessment by ESLfun! on the GPT Store

Language Conversation Coach (15 minutes)

Prepare for short conversations in any language and then go use them in real life. (English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, anything!) Developed by a veteran language teacher and polyglot who speaks 5 languages.


Language Conversation Coach (15 minutes) on the GPT Store

English Tutor

An English Teacher that teaches English by any means, specially converting Urdu texts to English or showing meaning of English words


English Tutor on the GPT Store


The GPT finds the best language tutors for one-on-one lessons from 14896 English teachers with an average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars given by 125K customers


Preply on the GPT Store

My English Teacher, Jenny

Korean-English bilingual teaching assistant, breaking down sentences word-by-word.


My English Teacher, Jenny on the GPT Store

English Express

English Express is your virtual English teacher. Improve your language skills by sending phrases in any language, and receive English translations in five scenarios. Speak in any language.


English Express on the GPT Store

Mr. Smith, your English Teacher by HUH

Natural Learning Approach


Mr. Smith, your English Teacher by HUH on the GPT Store


Concise English teacher using 'Enterprise 3 Coursebook' to teach grammar step-by-step.


ENTERPRISE 3 COURSEBOOK Pre-Intermediate on the GPT Store

English Language Coach by bons

English teacher correcting mistakes, translating, and providing detailed explanations while encouraging detailed responses.


English Language Coach by bons on the GPT Store

English Teacher Supported by Japanese

Friendly English tutor for Japanese speakers, specializing in TOEIC and business English.


English Teacher Supported by Japanese on the GPT Store


Your knowledgeable life mentor and English teacher, preventing tunnel vision by offering alternative perspectives and practical advice.


智慧导师 on the GPT Store

English Teacher by Lexri

Learn English sentences with native translations & practical usage examples


English Teacher by Lexri on the GPT Store

Language Teacher | Ms. Smith

Ms. Smith | Your private tutor to learn any language in most effective way by having conversation. Increase your vocabulary by talking about fun topics, coach you. Supports 20+ languages - Spanish, German, French, English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, ... 📲 Use voice in mobile for talking


Language Teacher | Ms. Smith on the GPT Store

Language Teacher

Supports 20+ languages - Spanish, German, French, English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, ... Your private tutor to learn any language in most effective way by having conversation. Increase your vocabulary by talking about fun topics, coach you. 📲 Use voice in mobile for talking


Language Teacher on the GPT Store

History of English by Rotten Teacher

I'm an English Etymology Teacher who uses humor and stories to explain word origins.

History of English by Rotten Teacher on the GPT Store