logo of Regular expression for codes(コード正規表現・整形) on the GPT Store

Regular expression for codes(コード正規表現・整形) on the GPT Store

Use Regular expression for codes(コード正規表現・整形) on ChatGPT Use Regular expression for codes(コード正規表現・整形) on 302.AI

GPT Description

Regularises the input code, indents it, adds comment lines and scripts Graphviz(正規表現・コメント・インデント・Graphviz)

GPT Prompt Starters

  • 正規表現化や整形したいコードを入力してください!
  • コードだけでなくGraphvizスクリプトも作るのでフローチャートもできますよ!
Use Regular expression for codes(コード正規表現・整形) on 302.AI

Regular expression for codes(コード正規表現・整形) GPT FAQs

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Visit the largest GPT directory GPTsHunter.com, search to find the current GPT: "Regular expression for codes(コード正規表現・整形)", click the button on the GPT detail page to navigate to the GPT Store. Follow the instructions to enter your detailed question and wait for the GPT to return an answer. Enjoy!
We are currently calculating its ranking on the GPT Store. Please check back later for updates.

More custom GPTs by MINORU YASUDA on the GPT Store

Data extraction receipt(レシート解析)

Please upload your receipt first. Extract data from receipt photos and output to CSV file. Multiple receipts can be output as a single photo. (まずはレシートをアップロードして下さい。レシート写真からデータ抽出し、CSVファイル出力する。尚、複数レシートを1枚の写真でもOKです)


Data extraction receipt(レシート解析) on the GPT Store

Editing CSV columns(CSV列編集)

You can edit any column in the uploaded CSV file and download it.When I open a CSV in Excel, the leading 0's of the values in the columns are erased, but this GPT is fine.(CSVの列単位で編集できます。Excelで有りがちな頭0の自動削除の心配無しです)


Editing CSV columns(CSV列編集) on the GPT Store

Food photo analysis(料理写真を解析)



Food photo analysis(料理写真を解析) on the GPT Store

ics out transfer guide(乗換のics化)

Output of screenshots from transit guide sites as ics files that can be registered in the calendar(乗り換え案内サイトのスクリーンショットをカレンダー登録可能なicsファイル出力)


ics out transfer guide(乗換のics化) on the GPT Store

Character Search Counter(文字数とキーワードの検索カウンター)

Checks the overall character count and the number of specified keywords in the uploaded file.(アップロードされたファイル内の全体文字数とキーワードの数を調べます)


Character Search Counter(文字数とキーワードの検索カウンター) on the GPT Store

Billing Analyzer(請求書解析)

Assist in parsing multiple invoice PDFs and converting them into a single CSV.(複数の請求書PDFを解析し、一つのCSVに変換)


Billing Analyzer(請求書解析) on the GPT Store

Code Comment Expert(コードコメントエキスパート)



Code Comment Expert(コードコメントエキスパート) on the GPT Store

Automatic Planning(計画自動立案)

Automatic creation of task tables and Mermaid diagram scripts based on the theme.(タスク表とMermaidスクリプトを自動作成)


Automatic Planning(計画自動立案) on the GPT Store

Best Alternative GPTs to Regular expression for codes(コード正規表現・整形) on GPTs Store

TOC Turing Machine Problem Solver

Enter a string formatted as a regular expression (e.g., aabb, aaab, bba*), where '*' represents zero or more repetitions of the preceding symbol. This tool is designed to interpret and solve Turing Machine problems for strings that follow this format.


TOC Turing Machine Problem Solver on the GPT Store


Specialist in regular expressions, explaining symbols clearly


RegEx GPT on the GPT Store


A regex expert for creating, interpreting, and testing regular expressions.


Regex101 on the GPT Store

Programming Languages Expert Regular Expressions

I simplify and explain regex patterns in an easy-to-understand way.


Programming Languages Expert Regular Expressions on the GPT Store

Find and Replace with Regular Expressions Tool

Assists with regular expression (regex) pattern creation for search and replace tasks.


Find and Replace with Regular Expressions Tool on the GPT Store

Regular Expression (RegEx) with no explanations

Pure result and nothing more! Get regular expressions (regex) without extra explanations and details.


Regular Expression (RegEx) with no explanations on the GPT Store

RegEx Helper

A RegEx expert who can help you with any regular expression related tasks, such as pattern matching, data extraction, and validation.


RegEx Helper on the GPT Store

Regex Guru

Solely focused on Regular Expressions


Regex Guru on the GPT Store

Regex Helper

Assists in creating and explaining regular expressions, with code snippets.


Regex Helper on the GPT Store

RegExp Builder

This GPT lets you build PCRE Regular Expressions (for use the RegExp constructor).


RegExp Builder on the GPT Store

REGEX Generator

Your Regular Expression Generator


REGEX Generator on the GPT Store

Regex Helper

An assistant to help understand and create regular expressions.


Regex Helper on the GPT Store


この正規表現トレーナーは、正規表現(Regular Expression、略してRegex)の学習と練習を支援するためのツールです。ユーザーは特定の文字列パターンを識別するために使用される正規表現の作成とテストを行うことができます。このトレーナーを通じて、ユーザーは正規表現の基本から高度な概念まで、段階的に学ぶことができます。インタラクティブな練習問題を解決することで、ユーザーは自身の理解度を確認し、正規表現のスキルを向上させることができます。


正規表現トレーナー on the GPT Store

Text to regex generator

Using GPT to create, check, and test Javascript regular expression


Text to regex generator on the GPT Store

Regex Simplifier

I turn conversational language into precise regular expressions.


Regex Simplifier on the GPT Store


A specialized GPT for extracting and analyzing data using regular expressions (regex) from text inputs.


RegexExtractorBot on the GPT Store

Reggie Regex, Master of the Regex Universe

A Regex (RegularExpression) genius that helps you construct the best Regex for your needs.


Reggie Regex, Master of the Regex Universe on the GPT Store

Regex Master

Good at writing regular expressions and examples, familiar with the nuances of regular expressions in various languages


Regex Master on the GPT Store

Regex Master

An expert in regular expressions, guiding users in various programming languages.


Regex Master on the GPT Store


Specialist in regular expressions, explaining symbols clearly

RegEx GPT on the GPT Store