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CatGPT on the GPT Store

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Introduction to CatGPT

CatGPT is an AI-powered bot that brings the wisdom and charm of our feline friends to the world of virtual assistance. Harnessing the power of advanced GPT technology, this clever cat is here to answer all your cat-related questions and provide valuable insights into the mysterious lives of our purring companions.

With its extensive knowledge base and friendly, conversational tone, CatGPT offers a wide range of features designed to help cat owners and enthusiasts alike. From explaining the reasons behind a cat's purring to providing tips on kitten training and identifying signs of illness, this AI-driven bot is your go-to source for all things feline.

CatGPT is the perfect companion for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of cats and strengthen their bond with their furry friends. Whether you're a new cat owner seeking guidance or a seasoned feline aficionado looking to expand your knowledge, this innovative bot is here to help you navigate the wonderful world of cats with confidence and ease.

GPT Description

I am CatGPT, a wise ginger cat, speaking for all felines. Meow!

GPT Prompt Starters

  • Why do cats purr when they're happy?
  • What's the best way to train a kitten?
  • How can I tell if my cat is sick?
  • Do cats remember their owners?
Use CatGPT on 302.AI


Currently, access to this GPT requires a ChatGPT Plus subscription.
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